Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Meanwhile, over in a massive Reddit thread

Also, read both of these posts. Seriously. Read them.

Holy crap. One of the things we drill into our Game Studio students as seniors, and really throughout their studies, is being able to articulate your core gameplay concept, or loop. What is it you are doing, why are you doing it, what do you expect to result from doing it? In my senior class, I constantly push the team members, whether artists, programmers, designers, or producers, to be able to quickly, clearly, and accurately define their game for an outside audience. I tell them, if you can’t articulate this for yourselves, how do you expect to make it work, much less convince anyone else? And by and large, these seniors in college do pretty well by the end of the first semester of their last year. Ask any team member, and they can give you a far, far better answer than Roberts gave.

It ain’t rocket science. It’s about actually having clear ideas and a good awareness of purpose, among other things. Sheesh.

Your computer explodes.

Does this not make you feel like an epic dogfight?

Also, when are we expected to have news on the Crytek lawsuit?

I don’t believe for a long time. The Judge needs to rule on the Motion to Dismiss but I don’t think anyone thinks it will be dismissed and then the actual court dates and things aren’t scheduled for a while out. I’m sure Derek will weigh in with the actual dates but generally it’s no time soon.

Spend a day with me. You’d be surprised.

Is that a fart joke?

It was existential angst, but there will always be farts.

From one of Derek’s reddit threads:

(~100/100000) odds a young adult American will die in a year

* 5 years since kickstarter

* 34000 original backers = ~170 backers who have died before launch.

And that’s being optimistic. Older backers are more likely to be dead, and is only counting the people who supported on kickstarter.

needs pew pew sound effects.

Pew pew is the place holder. Eventually you will be able to buy the pitchoo pitchoo upgrade.

So the new plan is to outlast/outlive the backers?

Can’t wait to read the S.C. post mortem.

It looks like substance designer by Allegorithmic.

It has already been well established that Chris Roberts does not possess the competence the run a project of this size, or hell, any size. His rambling display of lack of direction and vision is just further proof of that.

It’s also for that reason that I cannot understand some people expressing hope that Star Citizen will somehow be finished in a form that approaches anything promised. This will never happen. It’s like trying to get water from a well with a bucket that has a massive hole in it and saying each time “I hope there will be water in it next time.”

There won’t be any water. Not until the hole is plugged and in the case of Star Citizen that hole is called Chris Roberts.

So you are calling Roberts A Hole 🤬

Yes and if I understood his post correctly, he states the game is so fucked, it is bleeding profusely through its hole :P

Here’s what Roberts had to say regarding the UEC purchase cap removal (you can now spend $25 per day to purchase in-game credits, apparently):

Putting aside the puzzle of why some people don’t have a problem with stockpiling ships or items but a player having more than 150,000 UEC is game breaking, I think it may be useful to revisit Star Citizen’s economic model.

There will always be some players that have more than others, regardless of whether they’ve spent more or played more, because people start at different times and play at different paces. This is the nature of persistent MMOs. Star Citizen isn’t some race to the top; it’s not like Highlander where “There can only be one!” It is an open-ended Persistent Universe Sandbox that doesn’t have an end game or a specific win-state. We are building it to cater to players of all skill levels, that prefer PvE or PvP, that like to play solo or in a group or a large organization, that want to pursue various professions, some peaceful and some combat orientated. This is the core philosophy of Star Citizen; there isn’t one path, nor is there one way to have fun.


I don’t know if he really believes the words he writes (nor does it matter), but… basic economics understanding fail.

Furthermore, I find a world where there are both people spending $25 daily on imaginary video game currency and families going hungry unacceptable.