Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

I mean that you could activate FTL mode and accelerate manually up to X times the speed of light, and see planets zooming by (or not, if you’d slow down). Sometimes, instead of jumping from one place to another, I would go by FTL instead, and it was supercool. Completely smooth, and it just “felt right”. Closest thing nowadays is Elite: Dangerous, except Elite does have all kinds of “disguised” boxes, so to speak. The transitions are noticeable. The thing about I-War 2 is that you didn’t notice the transitions. It felt really organic.

Or maybe it’s my memory playing tricks on me. I should play it again sometime. ;)

Yeah, I know what you mean now.

I assume there is a limit to the maximum size that a programmer can increase any box in this Engine? Maybe due to the available max/min value constraints in our binary computers?

If (BIG hypothetic “if” there…) SC was to create a second solar system, would they be able to place an even larger “box” (eg. a galaxy box) around both? And, by extension, then again, a “Universe” box to include multiple galaxies? Or have they stretched the limits to the max (or maybe too far) size of the Engine’s box architecture already?

Other thought about the above scenario: Would each solar system need to be a separate box (eg. level) that would need a different mechanic to “travel” between?

Thanks again for entertaining these questions, all of you!

I explained that in one of my articles above. Also, the largest that they can go is a 64-bit number. They will have to use multiple connected system/boxes to build their entire game world as per their starmap.

I already explained that in my lengthy post above.

One of the things that made it a great show.

I knew it. We’d be playing Squadron 52 (sequel to S42) if you hadn’t sabotaged the game back in 2013 when Roberts was installing his ‘space door’ in one of their many offices, but at least we’ll get the BEST GOD DAMN SPACE GAME EVER in a few years time. Just imagine how great the game will be once they’ve burned through 300m$

The SC free-fly week has started. And now instead of my usual “starter ship” I also have the option of selecting a spaceship called the “Drake Interplanetary CUTLASS Black.”

Cool ship! It accelerates WAY better than my Aurora MR (see how I am becoming so invested in SC that I am describing the ships as “mine?”)

Still, very neat to test out. Especially since it is currently free to try.

Here’s my review of the Cutlass Black (compared to my usual Aurora MR):

Top speed of the Cutlass is less than my starter package (from 6 years ago) Aurora MR. But it accelerates like a demon! Cool as shit (IMHO)!

As far as the “game play” available with the Cutlass, I have yet to see any improvements. It still sucks.

If you like that Cutlass Black you can totally get one for the low price of $100 USD!

Would that I could, but I blew the last of my birthday card money on Red Vines and Mt. Dew.

Does CIG offer alternate finance options?

Your soul?

Apparently they’re gearing up to sell alien ships now…with a completely different flight model.


Awesome! Always wanted to pilot uninished alien ships to fight unfinished “human” ships in an unfinished galaxy (or room) in an unfinished game. Wonder how much the starter pack will sell for.

They already sold two (one from each race) back in 2016

You have to read this. Just read it. These elitist chuckleheads are the primary reason that their community is in tatters, and everyone outside of it just lols at them.

Casuals were given a hand, now they want the entire arm. [Travel Times]

Then there’s this…

I did the math… and travel times as they currently stand have no future

Yep, as I noted above, many of these people are the spiritual successors (or, hell, maybe the same people, just older and wealthier) to the worst of the pay-per-hour flight sim elitists of days of yore. You see similar behavior though in hard-core MMO players too (“Filthy casuals getting raid loot?!?!? Oh the humanity!”).

The second post was spot-on. I didn’t check the math, but it sounded reasonable, and the main point is that travel time /= gameplay unless there’s something going on that makes it so. Sitting in your hi-def pixel space ship looking around your hi-def 3D cockpit and twiddling your hi-def thumbs for a half hour does not sound like, um, fun.

This game needs to be constantly in development because judging by what they’ve spent their energy on, it’s already dead in the water even if it does get to release. Roberts seems to miss the point that the skipping that happened in games of old wasn’t just for lack of compute power, but also for pacing and making an actual game that’s enjoyable. The bar was there in wing commander for chatting if you wished it, but you were only a few clicks away from flying. This thing represents a complete misunderstanding of what makes a game.

You obviously didn’t read the first post then. There’s plenty of gameplay:

lol the communicating with npcs had me.

I like how, in the second thread, some people say (paraphrasing) “travel between planets should be rare” (i.e., there’s a lot to do on a planet so you don’t need to fly to another one) - so now they’re selling a space sim where you go to a planet and stay there!

For $150, you can upgrade your quantum drive to significantly reduce the travel times. Of course, since this is a full replacement of an existing drive it’s $150 per ship. For immersion reasons, you see.

Of course, a measly $150 isn’t going to pay for the drive that powers the larger ships. Those are $450 each due to the increased scale and cost of materials (pixels ain’t free, guys).