Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

So they’ve, what, three to six months of cash left, depending on further investment and how quick they can reign in spending?

That’s going to be interesting.

Bah, I’m sure that once the outside investors fully grasp the genius of The Vision, they will happily put in another $46 million in exchange for some jpegs.

They still have some cash. Quite a lot actually.

From the article: they have $14M + the invested $46M left. They are spending $48M annually, but making a pretty steady $36M+ a year (at least during the last 4 years) in pledges/jpeg sales, so just with that they are in the red for about $12M annually and they have about $60M. that’s about 5 years of cash at current income and spending levels.

But, if we look at the article and the provided graph, we can see they have income other than pledges. In fact, they make $8-9M above what they do thanks to pledges (how?, I have no idea, some is from subscriptions, but the bulk is not), so they are really raising about $44-$45 million annually (again, I assume last 4 years, although for 2018 we only have the $37M pledge number and not the extra income number, since the article has only up to 2017 numbers), so they are only into the red for about $4M annually and they can go on at current levels for more than a decade… (current levels won’t hold forever, obviously, but so far they have proven to be certainly resilient).

Do we really believe they’ve spent nothing of the $46m?

I don’t know what you or I believe, I’m talking about the numbers the article gives.

Ah, I missed this. Thanks.

Friends and family nepotism is #1

Not quite. Remember, they’re still raising money each month. So this $46m which they got back in May 2018, just gets added to that. Since they were already making about $35m a year, and spending more than that, this bailout money is a sort of reserves cushion to get them to Q2/2020 (SQ42 Alpha) so they don’t keep operating in the Red and face having to do major staff reductions, or even bankruptcy. Note, according to their own financial brochure, they were pretty much insolvent at various parts since 2015. I totally called that one.

Yeah. And they were still in the Red

Why I believe that $46m is for cash reserves, and not for marketing as CIG claimed

This is so funny. Prepare your bodies.

Is Star Citizen a VR game?

Did Duke Nukem Forever turn out to be any good?

Duke Nukem Forever the Build engine mod, based off the 2001 trailer, is incredible! :)

The Gearbox, Triptych Games, Piranha Games, and 3DR Realms effort published by 2K in 2011 is more interesting as a development artifact than a traditional game. I still stand by Shrunk Machine and Duke Burger as very inspired shooter levels though, and I love that the game came with some neat flashback materials, like dev snapshots of the game circa 2003 (the final game, outside of being set in Las Vegas and fighting off an alien invasion, doesn’t even superficially resemble this vid):

Here’s some positive, but odd news:

I can’t imagine how irksome it must be to get this kind of thing going, but hey, at least someone is doing something with Star Citizen.

“Of course?”

Maybe they mean of course RSI is paying him?

Well the article implies he writes off his ship purchases as a business expense :rolls eyes:

It’s shit. Wrapped in tin-foil. Shoved into a furnace.

Don’t believe? Fine. In this video, a bunch of them decided to race buggies on a barren planet. Things went sideways right from the start, and by the time the “race” was going anywhere, the “winner” was running the remaining 3km. On foot. I shit you not. Watch.

Dayum. I mean… really?

Yeah. It’s all so hilarious to me. The “game” is as dead as a door nail.