Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Hahahaha. No. There is no news.

I guess with Star Citizen, no news is good news, as the alternatively is probably that the company has folded, they cancelled it, or something equally shitty.

I’d bet that the original video scenes they made in ~2014 have to be re shot, or re-licensed due to some time running out before relase of the game, or other snafu. Maybe they’ll pull a Rockstar and patch the game at some point and remove one of the characters because they are no longer licensed to show them in the game.

So this “game” is still very much broken. Even in a party, in the same instance, my partner couldn’t see me at all. And then this happened:

In the future, polite space pirates will just be paying passengers who wait for the pilot to clip through the ship.


Is Derek OK?

Is that a reference to DF making a analysis video based on in-house/developer access to parts of the executables that would at some point have made up a game if one was being made, or has SC been released and Derek was wrong all along, or just worried about the Corona? :-)

Derek Smart is usually here with updates

I believe he said at some point last year that he’s moved on since there’s not much to talk about new.

Geez Brian, everyone KNOWS you don’t open the ship door in hyperspace!!

Hey nothing happened it’s fine it’s fiiiiiinnnneee

I got an exciting email titled Squadron 42 update from RSI. Surely they wouldn’t spam me over no progress?

Well, don’t keep us in suspense…

They send out a monthly progress report on the game nothing special. Sometimes it’s interesting to read about updates on each specific components like gameplay UI graphics and sound, but the updates are usually quite minor.

Art (Characters)
Character’s February focus was on hair, uniforms, and quality. They completed two new hairstyles, including that of Captain Noah White. They thoroughly tested the Maya tools for hair authoring and are extremely pleased with the results and how the tool’s holding up to full production. They currently working on blonde hair, investigating how it behaves with the current shader; the aim is to make it as realistic a shade as possible. They also continued making passes on character heads and have started work on the rest of the Bridge Officer Uniform assets. Next on the list are battledress uniforms, which are expected to take two months to complete in their entirety.

Sure seems like this game will make beta in Q3

Yeah but what year?! :)

Like @Jazar mentioned, they send an update to backers every month. Would you prefer them to not communicate? If you read it, you saw you got exactly what you would expect in a regular progress report. Nothing earth shattering. Just what’s going on.

Accomplishing two hairstyles in a month with that budget is a pretty great microcosm of this entire project.

That update pretty much encapsulates everything wrong with the game. If you’re working on tools for blonde hair shaders…

I totally agree. Everyone knows getting the exact shade of brunette is the real trick.