Star Trek Discovery (2017)

Has this been posted here yet?

A nice homage to the old Trek title sequences!

I didn’t think much of Dr. Culber in Season 1, meh, but his fight with Ash Tyler (asshole) in Season 2 was awesome! I will be paying a lot more attention going forward!

So I’m watching Hell on Wheels, and I’m on the second episode. Holy wow you were right, Anson Mount is amazing.

Yes sir, the thread hasn’t been active in awhile, but your opinions are always a pleasure to read.

Why do the images switch from 3d to 2d art?

Also: I’m not a huge fan of the Disney-like CGI for Star Trek.

Season 2 weekend for meeeeeee! Re-subbed in time for Picard this week ahead.

Love the classic uniform update, ugh still hate the Discovery uniforms.

Anson Mount kicking ass as Pike.

Space donut!

When is Discovery S3 coming, anyway? Right after Picard’s run, I hope?

They just wrapped up filming on it. My guess is they’ll wait at least a month after Picard to keep all the quatloos rolling in (not to mention to give time for editing, etc.).

If they really just finished shooting then it’s a ways off still. Not gonna see it till fall at least.

Yeah, that would make sense to me as well, although a couple cast members said they guessed “early 2020” but of course they’re probably not in the post production loop.

Holy Cow you are in for a treat. Best western since Deadwood. I’d say parts of it even exceed it. No, that’s too far. But it has a some great plotlines and The Swede is one of the best, realistic villains I’ve ever seen.

I do love The Swede. I’m a few eps in but took a break because it’s INTENSE.

Are we getting Discovery next, or Lower Decks?

Also, Kurtzman referenced two more live-action Trek shows last week. One is almost surely the Starfleet Academy show people have been trying to make for 40 years despite nobody ever demanding it. But a comment about “fans will be pleased” from a Trek insider afterwards really has me holding out hope that the other one is a Pike/Spock/Number One on the Enterprise show. I’d love that so much.

I think they were still trying to design a show around Michelle Yeoh’s character? Could that be one of the two?

I saw an article the other day that implied that this show is already in the works. Ill see if I can find it again. Anyway, I do think that we will eventually get that show. Pike, Spock and to a lesser degree Number One were the highlights of the 2nd season and the fans loved them. CBS would be foolish not to make it happen.

I sure did. And there would (I assume) be a lot of “Enterprise helmed by Pike” stories to tell, right?

5 episodes into season 2 and its wonderful. Loving the Section 31 stuff. :)

No, that’s the Section 31 show, which has been announced for a long time. (And which is the one I’m least interested in.) This is two more live action shows in addition to that.

Right now we have:

  • Discovery (CBS AA)
  • Short Treks (CBS AA)
  • Picard (CBS AA, renewed for Season 2 already)
  • Lower Decks (CBS AA, later this year, animated comedy from the creator of TNG Season 8)
  • Section 31 (CBS AA, I’m guessing early 2021 since it’s not in production yet, maybe end of 2020)
  • Untitled Nickelodeon Star Trek series (2022, 3D animated, “The upcoming series follows a group of lawless teens who discover a derelict Starfleet ship and use it to search for adventure, meaning and salvation.”)
  • Two more live-action shows, network(s) unknown but probably CBS AA

I am crossing my fingers that one of those shows is related to The Triangle, that would be such rich, and unexplored, Trek territory.