Star Wars: The Acolyte - High Republic mystery/thriller and the Squid Game star

Hmmm. Not sold.

I’ll give it a chance. I wasnt aware this was going to be a wire-fu thing.

I’ll re-up for D+ for a month or so when it’s done, that is. Such are the times we live in.

Ha yeah, between the kung fu and having Carrie Moss, this looks like it could be the Wachowski’s Star Wars show. But what the hey, I’ll check it out. Season two of Halo is ending, no Strange New Worlds in sight, could use a new sci-fi fix.


And as to the trailer - HELL YES! That looks so brilliant!

Lets hope the writing is as good as Andor, though.

Oh yes of course. Lots of options!

Confirmed data on the setting of the show thanks to the official character profiles that were just updated.

“But in the year after the fall of Starlight Beacon — while mourning those lost in the destruction, including her own Padawan — Vernestra pulled back from the Order and shifted her focus to heal herself.”

So it’s some time after the events of the book series.

I hope this series isn’t expecting me to have done homework to get the most out of it. I don’t know anything about the High Republic.

edit: I was going to say wow, I guess yellow or golden lightsabers are canon now, but then I suppose Rey had one at the end of the last movie.

I hope not either. I expect if anyone even mentions something from the books, it will just be a passing comment for uber-fans to cheer about.

Jedi Temple guards in Rebels had yellow sabers, also. It’s been some time since I’ve watched Attack of the Clones, but there may be a yellow blade in the Geonosis arena as well. All colors except red are permissible for Jedi these days.

Honestly, that’s the other thing I’m excited about for this show. I don’t know anything about the High Republic, but I’m super happy it’s centuries before the ‘current’ timeline. Get us out of Skywalker/Death Stars/plapantine/etc. Just give us something different already.

And no cute callbacks either, like making that wookiee jedi Chewbacca’s grandfather or something!

In addition to this VERY VALID point, I’ve wanted to see any movie or show where the Jedi were at their peak. Always been into the older Republic stories.

It’s not really “centuries” if that character bio is accurate. This appears to take place 100 to 150 years before The Phantom Menace.

Yoda is alive. Maybe Chewbacca. Darth Plagueis is bopping around.

Yeah, just Googled, and according to the creator (or writer? I already forgot) of the show, it’s set 100 years prior to TPM.

That can’t be a real name.

Oh come on

Have you ever heard of the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not, otherwise you wouldn’t be all “that can’t be a real name.”

Remember that Palpatine’s full name is “Sheev Palpatine” and Lucas seriously suggested “Darth Icky” and “Darth Insanius” as possible names for the main character in The Force Unleashed.

A similar situation arose with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’s protagonist, Starkiller. “[That name] was only supposed to be a nickname or call sign, not a proper name from the beginning,” a former LucasArts employee says. The development team hoped that Lucas would give Vader’s apprentice a Darth moniker, which at the time, was something that didn’t happen often.

“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and ‘Darth Insanius.’ There was a pregnant pause in the room after that. People waiting for George to say ‘just kidding,’ but it never comes, and he just moved on to another point.”

I love George Lucas’ absolute refusal to take his own creation seriously. It entertains me.

Sheev Palpatine’s younger brother was Steve Palpatine. He had a respected CPA practice in Theed; he quietly changed his last name after the Battle of Endor.