Stardock owns Star Control and is planning an "XCOM-like" reboot

Heh, I know I know. Jumpgate is still up and running, and free. Ain’t no better mining.

Really? I’ve never played it. Think I even have a disc somewhere. I haven’t even been playing on the computer lately, though.

I whitelisted the Star Control Folder in Windows defender just now and the load times have improved drastically. Just an FYI

Can we please get the Strategy game like hover info Brad mentioned? Is it available with a tech upgrade? Finding a specific planet in a system can get tedious sometimes. Also estimated fuel cost when setting up an autopilot route would be grand.

Am I correct that the large circle on the sector map, is the ship’s operating range with the current amount of fuel?

I have now died to this dude at least 20 times. Only once did I even come close to defeating him. He’s ridiculously powerful. His beam weapon will destroy you in about three seconds.

But that worst part, of course, is that there’s a fucking conversation before the battle and after the auto-save. So in addition to dying 20+ times. I’ve also had to click through that conversation 20+ times. It’s a toss-up whether or not the conversation lasts longer than the actual battle.

This does not make me a happy gamer.

You are right with the dialogue - but other than that it was my gaming moment of the week when I finally won (on ‘challenge’ difficulty, if that matters for that fight). I had to restart five times to realize I have to…

  • use the whole map
  • be on the run (keep distance)
  • collect the power ups
  • be patient … strike at the right moment (‘dogfighting’ did not work for me)

…at least this way I won quite easily in the end.

Sorry I’m dumb, but where is the other half of the first alien’s broken spaceship? Am I really supposed to crawl around the map searching every location? I didn’t see any clues to its location?

But that’s how games (used) to work. Learn by playing. I will agree the having the go through the dialog every time is a PITA, but the fight is there to make you learn how the ship works…you can’t outrun it, and you cant out-turn it. but you have massive range on him - especially if you did the Ceres tutorial and unlocked Advanced Nukes.

All of a sudden it clicks if you just slingshot past him after firing two nukes each time - he can’t ever really catch you unless you crash into a planet or misjudge the asteroid field.

Response in two parts :)

Heyyyy, I thought you just got finished telling folks that grinding planets for resources wasn’t the intended primary gameplay mechanic, because quests are the primary source of income, and now you want us to grind planets for loot in order to afford to beat the quests to get. . . the loot? :P

(That part of the response comes from the guy who hated resource-collecting in SC2 and was very glad to read that your all’s design was such that it wasn’t meant to be the primary activity in SC:O, and is thus a little frustrated that it feels like his progress in several quests is now gated by his inability to collect enough resources to complete them, just like I felt early in SC2)

Response, part the second:

It never occurred to me to actually just shoot the invading Drenkends, even though I’ve had to fight lots of them en route to other planets in the quest chain, because the Mu’Kay specifically note in their questgiver dialogue that they’ll only let you join their alliance if you can solve their colony invasion problem by using “peaceful cooperation” or “cooperative peace.” I understood that to mean that I was specifically not allowed to use violence against the invaders, otherwise I’d fail the quest.

Did I just read that too earnestly?

Cuz that’d be the second time in my play through that my attempted peacenik roleplay failed (the first being the Hurnia/Hargoth minor sidequest in Altair, where both sides want you to kill the other, and I can find no means of forcing them to accept a mutually peaceful solution. As far as I can tell, the only way to “finish” that sidequest is to just kill one side or the other’s ship, which feels sad).

It may be that I just need to readjust my thinking on how I’m supposed to proceed through the game!

One half is on the moons of, um, the other blue gas giant that the Tywom questgiver wasn’t circling (I can’t remember which planet he is stuck beside of). The other half is on Mars. The clues were “around one of your larger, bluer worlds,” and “one of the inner planets of your solar system.”

Unnecessary levels of detail

You can’t land on Mercury or Venus successfully at that stage of the game, and you can’t scan Earth at all, so I just process-of-elimination’ed the Mars clue.

I did that, but there’s a third thing you need to find?

There are two hyperdrive modules. IIRC, they’re both on the same planetoid, but it’s possible that they are on two separate moons of the gas giant or something. Sorry, my memory is shitty.

Is there a way to pause the game while on a planet? Also if I’m traveling around in my ship and hit esc does that pause the game? I’m finding that I need to pause the game to deal with real life, actually I need to pause every game I play to deal with real life.

Actually they are on the same moon and that moon orbits Uranus. They were together when I found them.

If using the XBox controller, the “select”/left-arrow button takes you to the menu with the captain’s log. That works for me, at least.

@Brad_Wardell / @Island_Dog
One minor gameplay issue which may bother others more:

As I was heading to mine a nearby planet, my Tywon captain said something like “The Tywon homeworld has notified me—” and right then I hit the planet and the game transitioned to the landing zone screen. No new entries in the captain’s log, etc… I left the planet and the dialogue didn’t finish or repeat. I’m assuming this was just flavor text, so to speak, but having played Star Control 2 for countless hours, I can’t help but wonder if some race is dying in a corner of the galaxy without my knowledge, lol.

The mu’kay at the blockade planet offers up killing them as a possibility when you talk to them. They don’t seem to be too strict about adhering to their principles.

So random question; does anyone know if the refurbished Jebyoux Patroller or the gifted Norast Xenith replenish their crew at Earth or … anywhere? I kinda love them, so I’d hate to lose use of the ships over time due to crew attrition.

edit - answered one of the two: the Jebyoux Patroller (which is AWESOME) does indeed get replenished at Earth. Makes sense, I guess.

@Dan_Theman definitely not on Earth. I haven’t though to try and track down a world with Norast to see if I can replenish it..

Thanks. That’s what I was afraid of. I’ll keep it in the dry docks until I find a source.