Stardock Sues Former Employee for $1,000,000 for Elemental's commercial failure

So every time Brad Wardell posts something on the internet, whatever it is, this thread is going to flare up again? Yikes.


Every time Brad posts something germane to this thread then yes, I expect that people will comment on it in here, I don’t think that should be a surprise to anybody. Brad (like most of us) spends a lot of time on the internet and it isn’t as though off-topic stuff is turning up in this thread so your concern seems to be misplaced.

Personally I would just lock the thread.

Some jobs allow for this. Folks in certain 24-hr military jobs can do this quite easily- and boards like this aren’t big enough to trip the AF filter usually.

There’s a lot of holier-than-thou righteousness in this thread though. I’m more interested in posts from people like Black Isis that talk about the wider ramifications of this kind of behaviour and the effects on the victims than I am in a big song and dance about how Brad is a terrible person. We know already.

Obviously he does encourage it by repeatedly being wrong on the internet, and we all know what that means.


I am disarmed by your rapier wit.

Originally Posted by serling

I am disarmed by your rapier wit.

It the all the cold weather up there.

Originally Posted by serling

It the all the cold weather up there.

Oh come on. It’s only a couple of degrees colder than this thread.

Please. There are other places on the internet where that sort of bullshit jeremiad can get traction. Go peddle it over there.


Um, yes.

That’s kind of how forums work.

Every time Ubisoft says / does something stupid this thread gets bumped:

Every time RIM shoots itself in the foot, this thread gets some new posts:

And every time someone wants to complain about Civ5 AI this thread gets some love:

Etc. etc.

So yes, I would say that you’ll probably see some forum activity any time Brad posts a hateful screed about people he doesn’t know in which he complains about people writing hateful screeds about him when they don’t even know him.

I mean, that’s pretty damn classic.

I was one of the overly angry people. Looking back I know that I did take part in the piling on.

I think a lot of that anger comes from the tone taken in Brad’s emails. We have all experienced bullying, and it rankles, but the clubby, smug, dismissive tone that Brad took brought up a lot of bad shit for me and probably other people too. It’s one thing for people to act like shit, but it’s worse when they act entitled to act like shit. And when they have choruses of fans cheering their shittiness on.

I know I overreacted and that, in all honestly, Brad Wardell is probably not the evil bastard we have been accusing him of being. But it is saddening to see people in positions of power, especially in this hobby that we all love, to act in such a familiarly antisocial way. It’s not just some PR snafu like Tom seems to want it to be, it’s spectacularly crap behavior and indicative of some seriously retrograde thinking. Not crappy enough to justify the vitriol we have poured on, to be fair, but not exactly the kind of thing that should be let slide, either. If people were genuinely angry about this, as I am, then it’s a bit small to dismiss their posts as so much circlejerkery.

Really, this thread isn’t ‘wretched’. It is just full of perfectly understandable, if embarrassingly overstated, anger at behavior that we didn’t expect to be taking place at the top levels of a game company. I guess the self-righteousness is a bit cringe-inducing, but this was upsetting to hear about and his responses since, including this latest blog post, are on their own merits more examples of this kind of egocentric antisocial behavior.

It’s newsworthy. It’s upsetting. People are overreacting, but on the other hand, I think it’s kind of gross to tell people off for ‘not knowing the facts’ when we have the guy’s own words to go on. I mean, what is going to come to light in this court case that would change things? Did she sexually harass him first? Was it sexual self-defense?

Tom, you can’t say “I’m not banning anyone, and I’m certainly not invoking any rules” when no one knows what the fuck the rules, or criteria for bans, are on this forum. It’s not like you tut-tutting isn’t going to have a chilling effect because of that.

Hi Brad!

The lawsuit is just icing on the cake. Elemental was the cake. Dropping that turd onto the market, refusing to honor your own Bill of Rights for many, the subsequent removal of that Bill, the sheer douchebaggery of Brad’s politics and the condescending, smug tone he takes with others who don’t share his Randish-wanna-be views, all followed by blaming Elemental’s failure on a PR employee’s departure as an obvious counter-suit to force dismissal that did more to bring her initial sexual harassment charges to light than anything else. . . sweet, sweet schadenfreude for someone who keeps managing to make himself look like an entitled, spoiled little fratboy.

Brad, you make this thread look like that scene in Being John Malkovich.

Hi Brad!

Brad…uh…trad…ehrm…thread closing itself in 3…2…1

That seems about as likely as a conclusion as “you all just want him to burn.” Perhaps you could point out to me where anyone has said that.

For the record, I think a verdict will be a good thing. But I’m not gonna stop posting about it just because a judge hasn’t ruled yet.

90% of the posters in this thread want to see him burn. It’s quite obvious and most are behaving like angrymobinternetpaparazzi. Just leave that man be, he has received enough online vitriol.