Starfield by Bethesda -- PC and Xbox exclusive -- 09/06/23

After my post I was trying to remember the last first person RPG I’ve played, or even the last FPS since Doom Eternal. I completely forgot about Cyberpunk, probably because I only played it a short time before putting it on hold.

This was my experience in the last Bethesda RPG, Fallout 76.

I didn’t play that, can’t comment on it. My point is that you won’t find anything like the Dark Brotherhood questline in No Man’s Sky. Which again, not the kind of game they’re going for, so I don’t hold that against it. I am however very much looking forward to the kind of depth that Bethesda games regularly provide in Starfield.

I want an RPG + Outer Wilds type game.

I had no expectations for the actual shooting bits of Cyberpunk, but honestly it was really well done especially considering what kind of game it’s trying to be.

Unfortunately Bethesda has already failed multiple times to get shooty bits feeling decent, so I have fairly low hopes for it. Which is kind of maddening considering they have at least 3 studios who are damn good at fps stuff.

I just saw the gameplay vid for this, and ended up just being angry lol.

There’s a lot of things I don’t like about this…the generic look, the similarity to games like no mans sky in terms of mundane resource gathering, the still horrible character models, the lackluster looking combat, but the thing that really bugged me the most, were the constant ‘5 exp’ messages that popped up after every kill… Why on earth would you put the message in the middle of the freaking screen for starters? …Who approves or comes up with stuff like this? 5 experience is such a boring and tedious number, and to remind the player of just how boring and tedious this all is, let’s put it right in the middle of the screen every single time you kill an enemy… I just can’t fathom how anyone even mildly associated with games thinks this is a good idea, it’s just so fundamentally bad.

This will definitely be a ‘maybe I’ll play it on gamepass’ title for me, but only if it’s cloud and I don’t have to waste my time downloading it.

LOL indeed.

I think you can safely not bother. Think of your blood pressure.

Lord have mercy, never noticed it until a YouTuber went on a rant similar to yours. It’s just not that big of a deal for me, it’s small and fades away oftentimes before I could even notice it.

If it helps, I’m sure someone will make a mod to disable the XP announcements.

Really looking forward to this game. Guess I should get around to playing more Skyrim until then.

I seriously doubt you’ll need a mod to turn off the xp notifications.

It’s funny how many posts there are in this thread where I can’t tell if they are serious or being sarcastic…

The tiny thing I hate obviously won’t have an option to turn it off so fuck this universe I’m out.

You’re not really an angry internet person until you’ve sent threats.

“XP notifications on the screen make me SO ANGRY!” lol

I just have to wonder what you have against a perfectly good number like 5? What has 5 ever done to you?

The Schofield Kid: It don’t seem real. How he ain’t gonna never breathe again, ever. How he’s dead. And the other one, too. All on account of pulling a trigger.

William Munny: It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.

The Schofield Kid: Yeah, well, I guess they had 5 XP.

William Munny: We all have 5 XP, Kid.

I remember that exact scene from the film!

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