Stargate: Universe

Yup, coming in the fall.

This Friday is the premiere of “Primeval”, replacing BSG in the 10:00pm slot. Synopsis for this week’s first episode “Prehistoric creatures burst through a rip in time and the team find themselves running for their lives.” It’s like “Boa vs. Python the series”. At 9:00pm you’re treated to a rerun of “Moonlight”, not the 80’s dramedy with Bruce Willis, but the bad vampire romance from last season on ABC.

Oh, and don’t forget to watch “Thor’s Hammer” on Saturday. Fantasy done as cheesy as only a Sci-Fi Original Movie can accomplish. It’s Vikings vs. Werewolves, it only lacks Pirates for the win!

I think instead of watching crappy “SyFy” fantasy shows, I’ll just catch Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire on the Comedy Channel. At least that show is supposed to be purposefully tongue-in-cheek.

If you value your sanity, do not watch Primeval. It makes Torchwood look like a masterpiece by comparison.

Yeah, Primeval is a British show and it’s terrible.

Plus, Little Britain actors! (or actor…not sure if both of them are in it. I think Matt Lucas is the one).

I’ll just catch Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire on the Comedy Channel. At least that show is supposed to be purposefully tongue-in-cheek.

And it fails at that.

Anyway, any comments on the pilot ? Not much is clear, just yet, but i expected it to be much worse, which it really wasnt. With about the same setup as Atlantis, but not really as awful, and with more reasonable cast to boot. The Atlantis lead marine guy was incredibly iffy to me.
Also, a USian politian sacrificing his life for others - now thats how you know you are watching a Science Fiction.

I was pretty sure they’ll make that “Teenager Stargate” parody a reality, but surprisingly enough they didnt. Huh.

I didn’t know it was coming on last night. Anywhere I can see it online?

“Daddddyyyyyy! Oh, if only there was a way you didn’t have to die to save us! Maybe if we had some kind of, I don’t know, remote controlled, flying camera ball thingy! We could tape a pencil on and it could push the button! Oh, if only we had sciencey, egghead types to figure this stuff out for us! Oh, the humanity!!”

Dear writers, when your audience can think of 10 simple ways to avoid a “super emotional selfless sacrifice”, maybe you need to work on it a little bit.

I enjoy the concept of the show and will continue watching but that was just fucking dumb.

It was dumb, and the 45 minutes that his daughter spent screaming and weeping about it were the worst part of the show. At least, it seemed like 45 minutes.

All in all, this was good enough to watch the next episode. But just barely.

It’s on again at 5 am EST on Sunday. And I’m sure at least ten other times before next week’s episode.

I didn’t love it, but I’m definitely on board for the next episode or several. The Senator sacrificng himself went on too long, but in its defense, they did establish that there was some sort of mechanism in the shuttle door that wouldn’t let it close without someone inside. Sort of like how keyless entry cars won’t let you lock yourself out, I guess.

It wasn’t horrible. As far as Stargate goes it was probably better than average. Stargate has always been a B or C tier show but I watch because I’m a sucker for the genre.

It looked a lot worse in the previews anyway. A cast of teenagers, including a kid who got there through an MMORPG? But they played the camp just self aware enough and the actor playing that role kinda pulled it off.

And the main character, Dr Rush, genuinely cool. Stargate tends to use scientist characters as comic relief. Nice to see them breaking that trend and playing the scientist seriously, and with an actor who can do it.

It’s on Hulu!

Anyway, I thought it was good! A very, very different feeling form previous Stargate renditions. The characters have more foibles, the atmosphere is darker without feeling too forced. I like the feeling of “discovery” they’re pushing to counteract the fear and paranoia concerning being stuck on the ship. It feels… wayy less hokey than Atlantis. I hope to hell they don’t immediately bring in some “series bad guy” to have everyone fighting, ala the Wraith or the Orii or what have you. This really isn’t meant to be that kind ofs show.

The senator/crying daughter scene went on for far too long, though, yes. But the “Last Starfighter” McGuffin that got Eli into the cast was pretty funny. I also really like Robert Carlyle’s character.

So, this ship has been flying around for thousands of years and it happens to be running out of air the exact moment they show up? The CO2 thing I get only applies once people are there and breathing, but the air escaping the ship… Did I miss some plot point on how that was tied to them arriving?

And, stranded on a ship, in another galaxy, hoping to someday get home. I’m going to call it Stargate Voyager.

Stargate has always been a B or C tier show

As in, any show, or specifically a sci-fi show ?

More like Stargate: BSG :p

Gee, how creative.

I don’t typically scan the internet before I post to make sure I’m saying something unique and never thought before, snarky man.

Tapdance fail.

More like “28 Weeks Later than BattleStarGate: Voyager”