Starsector: Best space combat 13 years in the making - 0.96 out (2023 update)

this is a crazy fun game. I haven’t been able to stop playing for 2 weeks. There are a bunch of very well implemented mods on the forums that really add a lot to the game. I’ve got 4 faction mods and the ship / weapon pack (which also gives special boss bounty system) and it is just jam packed with stuff to do. I’ve got a good system going for 3 colonies making about 400k every month and a bunch of capital ships. still can’t really get through some of the bigger bounties though

That sounds great. I keep meaning to get into this, but the lack of UI scaling ends up killing me. Really excited to hear they’re looking into it.

I got around this some by installing “Lossless Scaling”, setting the Starsector resolution to 1770x720 (or half of whatever resolution you are natively running - and windowed mode, and firing up lossless scaling. It looks pretty good although the ships are somewhat blurry. If only this method worked on Distant Worlds…

I don’t survive long in the game though.

Won’t the new Nvidia integer scaling help? Assuming you have a Turing card.

The problem isn’t blurring, it’s literally a very small font. I can read it okay myself, but I can see where some folks might prefer a larger size.

by the way, if anyone wants to try this game, the sseth video above has an actual working full cd key.

Also it’s only fifteen dollars.

US! That’s like a hundred of the multi-coloured Canadian funny money!

Is a GTX 1080 a Turing card?

Nope. It’s Pascal

Oh darn.

No. The recent Nvidia 9, 10, 20 series architectures are Maxwell, Pascal, and Turing.

Is any reason for the new drivers to only support integer scaling on Turing, other than favoring the newer hardware? Given that it’s dead simple, and these architectures can all do DSR, I’m skeptical.

It hasn’t helped at all when I tried using it on my RTX card anyway. I might have to muck around with a bunch of settings (I just enabled it and tried a couple different resolutions, that was it), but it screwed things up in Starsector more than anything.

Hopefully the UI scaling work bears fruit and we don’t have to deal with any of this stuff anyway.

According to Nvidia it is limited to the Turing architecture because the programmable hw they are using to implement it only exists there.

So they just learned recently how to program their hardware?

No, as Vyshka, said
“…it only exists there”. You can’t program in something that is missing.

What was missing before it’s part that can do integer operations. GPUS are usually big dumb float processing units.

I would have thought floats would be harder to work with than integers.

It isn’t about what’s harder, it’s about what’s put in the silicon. 3d operations usually use floats, that’s why gpu are a huge floating point calculators.

Mm, just the usage of “big dumb” there threw me off.

GPUs are hundreds of idiot savants working in parallel that can crunch floats like no other but can’t manage to tie their shoes or make toast.