Starsector: Best space combat 13 years in the making - 0.96 out (2023 update)

I looked and couldn’t find a way either. It’s one of the things holding me back on this game, the text is really, really, small on my display.

Not the first game to have this issue but it seems odd to me as I suspect that the target audience for a game like this trends slightly older, slightly myopic. Maybe it will be addressed upon release. I hope so otherwise I will have to pass.

Game looks amazing from what I can see.

They suggest on the forum changing the resolution, ex. if you’re at 1920, put it on 1600x900. Not ideal. Agree strongly on the tiny font size.

There are too many great games out there to bother with any that do not support my preferred resolution, which includes having readable fonts.

It’s a big problem with 2D games/engines.

Starsector 0.8.1a is out. It’s mostly bugfixes and some QoL changes.

Yay! Thanks for the heads up!

There’s a hotfix out for a crash problem. Still version 0.8.1a, but it’s RC6 now instead of RC5.

0.8.1a-RC7 is out. Hotfix for bugs in the previous hotfix.

0.8.1a-RC8 is out. Another hotfix. Let’s hope this one lasts more than a day. ;)

New blog post about the new economy system!

Can’t wait for this game to be finished; it looks precisely like what I’ve been hoping for.

Will this be on steam at some point?

Maybe. In the year of our Lord two-thousand twenty and three.

The eternal question: what will be finished first, this game or game of thrones?

I think we need to enlist Cleve to work on both now that he has proved he can deliver

I was bored and decided to go look in the dev’s twitter for news. I found this

It gives an idea of the coming changes. More industry, colonization,reports to manage all that, etc

From the twitter feed you can notice he loves tooltips.

One day Tom will get to Tomsplain the crap outta this!

I think his rule of game design—mock up the tooltip first, and if it doesn’t fit in a tooltip, it’s too complicated—is probably a good one.