State of Decay 2 - Time is your worst enemy

I think I’m an outlier here, but I am just not liking this game. I want to. I really did like the first one, but some of the things I didn’t care for in the original have come back doubly in this one. I have rage quit twice now, and can’t see going back in. Here’s my biggest complaints:

  • Respawning zombies. I get why they do it, but I just can’t be ok with it. It’s killing my immersion and making me quite frustrated. If I spend 10 minutes wiping out the zombies all around my base, then drive 1/4 mile down the road, turn around and come back, there should not be 6 zombies milling about around my base again. I guess I’m just too used to making progress in games now, and I really want to feel that every time I wipe out some zombies, I’m doing so. But when they just respawn every time you go a short distance, I never feel like any progress has been made at all.

  • Zombies spawning out of no where. Again this is one that happened in the original, but it’s just really bothering me this time. Every time I pull up the map while driving, and my car slows, here come 3 or 4 zombies out of thin air to jump on my car. Or if I go to clear a house and make sure to check all around the outside clearing zombies, as soon as I enter it, here come a bunch through the windows and doors. It’s just maddening.

  • Companions dying. This never really happened to me in SoD1, but twice now in this sequel while on a mission my companion has died during a fight. They were properly equipped, but just couldn’t fight well enough to fend off 3 or 4 zombies attacking them. Of course I’m dealing with my own 3 or 4 so I couldn’t really help. I’ve also had the character I was controlling die once too. I was in a situation where I couldn’t move, or jump or duck out of the way thanks to some weird hitbox issue.

  • Cars made of glass. I don’t recall this in 1, but I’ve had a few cars blow up on me now from running into a pole or something. Yeah, sure they should take damage and all, but not blow up from 1 crash. This is especially maddening given how slippery the cars are when turning.

  • Pacing. Again, not sure if it was like this in 1, but man I am so sick of getting 2 or 3 calls for help every time I set out to do something. It’s so frustrating. I choose a character who has a personal goal, and immediately upon hitting the road towards it, I get a bunch of whining over the radio that someone needs help. If I don’t go help, they get all butt-hurt and leave, costing me a potential ally or new companion. If I do run around and help all these people, my character gets worn out and never gets to start their personal quest.

  • The Jank. Oh the jank is so bad in this one. Why can’t I just pick up that rucksack on the ground? Why does my companion have to stand right over it, causing me to start dialogue with them when I just want to pick it up. Every time! Why do I have to play pixel hunt to find the appropriate spot to stand to refuel my car? Why do I have to stutter step near the top of the ladder to access it so I don’t plummet to my death?

I’m probably playing this all wrong, as so many of you seem to be really enjoying it. I’m just glad I got this in the Microsoft Game Pass thing, since there’s no refunds in M$ Store.