State of Decay 2 - Time is your worst enemy

Have you ever slammed a car into an adult human body at 60 MPH or so? Really, really messes up the bodywork.

Er, uh, so I’ve heard, anyway.

Oh sure, and the are plenty of stories about deer hits. But I don’t recall hitting them all that fast and the car would be smoking already. Damn, what happens if we take the Pinto?

Steer clear (oh, I kill myself!) of the Pacer…

I thought the cars were, if not just right, okay with durability. I never had the problem some folks had with a yard full of smoking, half-wrecked junkers.

But it’s just really really hard to be driving along and then see a bunch of zombies off to your right and not just plow into them. Pretty sure it isn’t actually possible to just drive on by. So I mean, all your cars are going to end up smoking heaps, what are you gonna do?

Yeah I had a blast with it, don’t get me wrong. There was a stretch where I was playing nothing else for weeks at a time. But I remember thinking at times when I had a car I liked, oh noes don’t hit anything! If I recall correctly damage to vehicles was a lot lighter if you hit zeds with the door instead of ramming.

And if you hit enough with the door, you got an achievement and a survivor in Breakdown :)

And if you hit it with your rearend, you would get no damage whatsoever. Well, until it was patched out, anyways.

The Dying Light DLC was more or less focused on zombie-vehicle interaction.

Damn you… time for a reinstall!

Vehicle durability didn’t feel balanced with the frequency of zombie hordes, which just happen in a constant wave.

That and repairing vehicles was a pain.

EG preview is on the cautionary side:

Gameplay launch trailer. Looks like a high res, high model rework of the original. Color scheme, assets and even the zombies are the same. Co-op doesn’t interest me, so am going to wait on more reviews before “biting”.

That’s fine by me, as long as we can turn off the time passing feature.

Gamespot spent some time with it also:

GiantBomb Unfinished video:

Gameinformer seemed to enjoy their time with it.

Disappointed by the lack of campaign progression when you’re not hosting co-op games, as Far Cry 5 shit the bed in that regard too.

That kills this game for me. I didn’t love State of Decay 1 in the first place and was only going to give 2 a try because of the co-op.

Achievement list has been released.