Steam forums hacked

I use 1Password and like it.

Can’t change it at the moment, forum maintenance.


I use Keepass and sync the db file in my DropBox. Works great.

Also Steams recent changes let you have long passwords like :


which are a lot easier to remember (for me) than short ones with weird characters.

Lastpass is awesome. It’s just hard to work with if you need to login from your iPhone. They have their own browser wrapping Safari that supports it, but you need to be a premium member. I just browse to the Lastpass site and look things up if I ever need it.

I use 1password.

The time when i was deciding among them was shortly after lastpass was compromised, so that of course affected my decision a lot. At the end of the day though i don’t like the idea of handing all of my passwords to some website.

1password integrates very well with various browsers and i don’t have to worry about some hackers targeting a major password website.

The nice thing about Lastpass (and I assume others) is that they actually don’t store your raw passwords. All they get is encrypted data that gets encrypted on your PC before being sent to LastPass. However, if you ever lose your master password, you’re screwed.

I think it’s someone with a grudge or a competitor of that site.
Because it’d be damn hard retarded to screw Steam’s forum with plastering your own website name all over the place as the next thing to happen would be Valve showing up with police and lawyers and fucking you up. Not exactly smart advertisement.

Assuming that the people responsible are somewhere that could be touched by Valve’s lawyers.

But yeah, my first thought too was that the people responsible had a grudge against the Fkn0wned guys.

Well, the forums are down, so I can’t change my password there, but I’ve changed the password and security question for my games account.

One thing. Does anyone here see that box on the Steam purchase screen that says, save your information for future purchases? I always uncheck it, as it’s checked by default.

I think that should be unchecked by default. And does not having it checked really make a difference?

Steam store client is now compromised or Valve took it down on purpose as it no longer loads.

Steam store is loading fine for me.

Yep it’s back up again. It’s done that like 10x over the past 2 hours.

Has Valve said anything official yet?

I had Steam on all day. Just now shut it down. It said someting about a cloud sync and took a minute or two to shut down. Just a data point.

Their servers must be getting hammered. Sometimes I can get into the store/community pages other times I get a failed to load error.

I also just got the odd sync message and TF2 was integrity validated, why I don’t know.


How do you change your Steam account password? Can’t find it anywhere.

From inside the client:
View > Settings > Account Tab > Change Password button

Thanks… I’m not in-country so I can only log in through the Store page which doesn’t have this function. I guess I will have to wait till I get home next week.

Yea, I have no idea if it can be done at the Store page when accessed through a browser. I can’t find it either, so I’m guessing it can’t.