Steam Game Awards - What's your vote?

The most popular games on Steam get the most popular votes. Are you guys really surprised?

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Of the winners Only Odyssey came out in 2018.

Anyone else voting this year?

My noms:

I can’t vote because I’m buying old cheap games.

Nice to see Deep Rock on your list!

very short.

Oooh is Spell Force 3 Fallen God that good?

Might have to move it up near the top of my wishlist.

Yes, but only for the “Best with friends” category, because my opinion below still stands.

Maybe, it’s honestly, just the only game in 2020 that I’ve actually followed. So, by default, it gets selected. I don’t buy many recent games.

If someone wants to buy my votes though I would be willing. Send me a PM.

Only one award for any game is a tough but interesting restriction. This isn’t a perfect window into my gaming opinions, but it’ll do.

Here are my noms:

Was this a 2020 release? I thought it was older. But if it was 2020 then yea, it is easily the best new game I have played this year.

EDIT: I didn’t see that we started in 2018 or so so yea, nevermind. :)

That is pretty much me. I don’t remember the last game I bought at release (Dark Souls 3 maybe) and paid full price for.

These awards are basically “stuff I bought last year on Epic store”

Sweet! I didn’t know Oasis got a digital release.

My list is pretty much the same stuff as you guys.
+1 for Carrion, Ikenfell, and a random girl game for best story.

The award nomination list really reminded me how much of my game buying this year happened off steam. Long live EGS?