Steam gets naughty. Porn for sale!

Following a wave of game delistings and fan outcry in June, Valve admitted that changes were needed.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great. Thanks Steam.

Obviously, all the characters are on the eve of their eighteenth birthday right?

I didn’t link it, but the Kickstarter info for this game is something else. The images there are censored, but I’d still err on the side of NSFW.

Sounds fine to me, as long as they don’t allow legally dubious (and icky) content like ageplay, bestiality, and non-consensual sex, I think it’s the right thing to do.

For all that there may be other, less desirable consequences of Valve’s policy change, I am all for them getting out of the way of adults deciding for themselves whether they want dubious anime pr0n.

With reasonable safeguards (which the explicit opt-in requirement meets), I have absolutely no problem with this.

What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty.


Oh God. Finally.

If you need me, I’ll be in my room.

I’m sure this is going to end well.

The “Top Sellers” and “New and Trending” feeds are probably going to be quite useless. They were already being overrun by the censored versions of these “visual novels”.

About time Valve acknowledged their anatomical purpose as the sphincter of videogames store.

This would be a good time to buy Frito-Lay stock.

No thanks, I’ll wait for the movie.

Everything goes through them?

Pretty much how I feel. As long as this content is strictly gated, what do I care?



Fornica(tion): Battle Royale