Steam Stuff - What Has the Digital Distribution Giant Done Lately?

My friends and I spent an hour talking about a pirates movie, no not those pirates movies… there is apparently a good porn one based on pirates three/four of them like. They all found out they liked the same one during a recent movie night.

We’re adults, and it’s just sex.

Interesting post about an email from Gabe mentioning his view of exclusives, and what Valve’s approach is in the VR space.

Assuming that’s real, it seems a bit disingenuous given that Valve doesn’t sell their games anywhere but Steam. (Of course, they also don’t make games anymore but shhh.)

Valve selling Valve games on their platform is a first-party exclusive and isn’t a new thing in the PC marketplace. Blizzard games are sold via, EA games are on Origin, etc. I don’t think it’s disingenuous, he’s responding specifically to the guy asking about Oculus trying to make Serious Sam an exclusive.

This decade Valve has released games in 2011 (Portal 2), 2012 (CS:GO), 2013 (DOTA 2), the big 2.0 overhaul for DOTA a year or two ago, 2018 (Artifact), not to mention they just released a new game two weeks ago. They released a game in 2016 if you include The Lab. I don’t think that’s too bad, considering they were also building the PC games platform/store, developed the SteamLink and Steam Controller, and have been working heavily in Virtual Reality and just started shipping the Index last week.

EDIT: Sorry about being pedantic on the “they don’t make games” comment. :D

I think generally when people say that they mean that they don’t make non-F2P games anymore, which is true as far as I know. Speaking for myself, it’s been 8 years since Valve released a game I actually cared about, so for my purposes they’re functionally dead as a developer.

So, they last made a game in 2011, is what you’re saying? ;P (I know they’ve made games, I was being facetious.)

But having first-party exclusives and then saying exclusives are bad for both consumers and developers is a bit hypocritical. And I do agree with his statement, so mostly I just think they should quit with the exclusives. Not that I am hugely invested in the idea, because a) I am perfectly okay with using Steam, and b) they no longer make anything I want to play. But on principle…

Why is Steam starting me all over in the Summer Sale contest? It’s asking me what team I want to join, when I’ve been playing all along. Something wonky is up.

Edit - Yep, something is up, it won’t let me join even though it is asking me to join.

That was temporary, should be sorted now.

Oooh something to try later tonight!

Cool. This is what I’ve always hoped the discovery queue would be.

Man, why is this on a website, which I never log into, instead of the desktop application which I log into almost everyday?

It is on the application if you manage to navigate to it

They’ve also released a bunch of other stuff under the Lab branding too. Someone’s been putting in their 20% I guess.

Oh look, Store News. I don’t think I have ever clicked on that before. I usually get my Steam news I guess through that intro window or forced restarts.

Thank you!

My initial results playing around with it are certainly better than what their normal “engine” does, although I think they need to do something to offset high-playtime or open ended games. Playing a JRPG for 80 hours doesn’t mean I want 8 times as many recommendations for those as for 10 hour action games, but that roughly seems to be what happens.

I’ve played with the recommendator a bit… definitely better for me than the discovery queue. It also seems pretty accurate! I already owned half the games elsewhere or wishlisted them outside steam

Games won’t show up in there again If we mark them as “ignore”

That’s strange.
My most played are DOTA (over 1k hours), Spiral Knights and CounterStrike.
0 games like them in the first lists.

I would like to be able to tell Steam I already own a game elsewhere. It seems better to save Ignore for games I don’t want to consider. I guess I could suggest that in their discussion forum.

For me, at least, this seems to need some tuning - the results I’m getting make little sense considering my play history. Or maybe I’m just really confusing.

Mine at default settings basically make sense with the exception of Valkyria Chronicles. And Beyond Earth, but that’s due my pre-knowledge of that being shit.

Your suggestions make more sense for me than the ones I’m actually getting. :)

So the list of my 10 most played games includes stuff like the King’s Bounty series, Geneforge 5, The Witcher 2, Alien Shooter TD and Soldiers: Heroes of WWII. But Steam’s neural elves think I may be VERY interested in something called “Furry Girl”.

Think I’ll stick to the regular queues for now…