Steam Stuff - What Has the Digital Distribution Giant Done Lately?

The TF2 hat market has imploded today due to what appears to be a crate bug that releases unusual hats (i.e. hats with varying particle effects) at a much higher rate than normal.

One of many examples:

Shit’s been frozen while Valve tries to figure out whats up.

Some good:

In short - some devs were manipulating the release date of their game to stay constantly featured in the Coming Soon section of the store. Valve now requires changes in release date to go through them, which will hopefully curb that behavior.

Some bad:

Exploit was found, repeatedly rejected by the bounty vendor, and then directly released into the wild.

It’s entirely possible Valve had no idea about HackerOne farting around of course.

I think the big lesson here is not to use HackerOne for your bug bounty program.

EDIT: Also, I am not sure this is as big a deal as the author makes out. I dont think you can use it to break an sandbox, as you need to be able to create registry symlinks. I’m also deeply suspicious of how old the cmd.exe in that screenshot of the PoC is. There might well be more mitigations on the Windows side of this nowadays.

Well, this is interesting news and I wonder if it’s related to the above issue;

Bad headline. It’s only for CS:GO.

Are you sure? This seems to be an umbrella statement and not connected to any given game, although it seems to imply it won’t impact all Workshops:


At this time it only impacts CSGO, Dota 2, and Team Fortress 2; so basically the Valve properties.

Good news, everyone!

When you Ignore a title on Steam you now have the option to tell Steam you ‘Played the game on another platform’ so it should still generate recommendations despite being ignored.

Well that’s a nice change.

That’s a minor but very well considered improvement.

It’s about time. Was able to whittle down my wishlist a bit with this new feature.

Gamescom page is up:

Valve has updated their program rules with HackerOne to address the turned away vulnerability situation.

Not knowing well… anything about HackerOne the language of the article doesn’t make it clear where most of the blame lies. My read is that the contractor was taking their directions verbatim instead of applying some thought to the situation. Which I’m assuming based on my experience with contractors.

Yeah, it seems HackerOne was focused purely on efficiently managing bounty payouts and that’s how this fell in the proverbial cracks.

Steam’s best new library feature is a smarter organizing tool called Collections, which replace the old Categories system. Collections are essentially Steam’s version of a Gmail filter. The buzzword for Collections is dynamic —you can create a collection by choosing from a variety of tags, say “RPG” and “multiplayer” and “controller support,” and Steam will automatically pull in all the games in your library. The dynamic bit is that Steam will add any future games you buy with those tags to the Collection, too.

If you already have categories set up, they’ll transfer over and become collections. You can also drag-and-drop games into collections manually, if you want, and add a “shelf” to your home screen to organize games in a way that suits you. For example, you could pin a collection of “local multiplayer” games to the home screen for easy access on your living room PC, or add a collection “unplayed” “indie” games to tempt you to try out something new whenever you open Steam.

This is awesome. I use categories extensively, so I’m glad they’ve integrated them into this system.
The only thing I’m wondering is if a game can belong to more than 1 collection.

That is an excellent question.

I hope so. I moved onto preferring the label system vs the folder system a long time ago, and you can usually have more than one label, or if they want to call it a tag, so be it.

I’m looking forward to this whole collection thing.

Microtrailers (short gif previews of gameplay when you hover over a title) are now available for every game. They’ve also added some additional filters for search, as well as the divisive infinite scroll.

Likely in relation to the collections feature, there has also been additional work on tags, and a preview of the next labs feature for game discovery, deep dive.