Stompy Mecha Thread

Damn, that is dead sexy. Is it in English at all?

I don’t know (I haven’t tried this yet). I use Translate (an app from google that admits photo input) with my Android phone for my japanese gaming, if that’s any help…

The controls stuff is in english. Mission briefings aren’t. Doesn’t matter. If it’s red, kill it.

There are only 5 missions there. Really wish there was more because it’s hella fun.

Spending 5 minutes pushing buttons in an awkward looking interface seems a touch overkill to startup your mech.

Chromehounds was one of my favourite games for a long while, the online play never felt quite finished but offered some ok matches, and there were some highly customisable mechs. Once the servers were turned off it became a coffee coaster, only a small tutorial was offered offline.

Yeah, that’s not present in the game. Not sure what it is, but it resembles Black Shark more than a little. Now, if DCS wants to make a GunGriffon addon, I’ll throw them $60.

Speaking of GunGriffon… played the PS2 version. What is it with Japan and non-standard FPS controls. Left stick = look around, and right stick for movement. Cannot swap them. So, my brain is permanently reverse of that which means every time I want to move I end up staring at the ground. The early Armored Core games used the shoulder buttons for look up/down, which is why I didn’t play them.

Yeah, I distinctly remember how this forced me to play Armored Core (which often had a lot of vertical arenas and jetpack-using opponents) like Doom.

I almost never bothered to aim up or down because it was so slow and awkward. Still, I loved playing AC on my friend’s PS2.


20 minutes of solid Project HON porn.

I need fresh pants.

I still have an OG xbox and a Steel Battalion controller packed up in it’s cool original box. I’m not as ambitious as Cathcart, I just want to be able to build a ‘pod’ arcade cabinet for it someday. First, I need something larger than the weird little one-bedroom duplex I’m living in. :/

Ooo. It has little mechs piloting bigger mechs. This has to be the point where the mecha genre has jumped the shark, right? (Although in some ways I guess it’s just living the Voltron/PowernRangers/Transformers dream).

Lots of clever stuff though. I liked the use of shields (not so much the humvees, but the mech with the folding shield that it equips from its back). I liked the 21st century setting since it mixed regular infantry, IFVs, Abrams tanks, Apaches and Hinds with the mechs.

So I picked up Titanfall Deluxe Edition during a Black Friday sale. I’m wondering if this will scratch the mech itch at least a little bit for now.

Man, I miss being a scout with a sniper rifle in Chromehounds, directing in artillery against an enemy base for my teammates. Or sneaking up behind someone with a quick little hover mech and nailing them with the spikes. Flare mortars in the desert, illuminating the tracers coming off a squad creating a hill and laying waste to a small village. Catching a column of mechs crossing a river and unleashing quad cannons at them. Engaging in a sniper battle on the tops of two mountains. Plinking off the small mechs, tanks, as static defenses that were around the map (no matter what I always threw on a chain cannon somewhere to plink “trash” with.

God I loved that game. I hate that you can’t play it a anymore.

Anyway, will try out Titanfall, which I read is more like Call of Duty.

For a long time, Japanese game developers had some major chips on their shoulders, and weren’t looking at what the West was doing. (with some exceptions) They weren’t playing western shooters, weren’t researching them, etc. So it’s not too surprising that they come up with control schemes contrary to the ‘standard’ that the West put out.

Heh, El Guapo, you are going to be a bit disappointed, Titanfall is only a slight step above Hawken IMHO when it comes to being slightly more than a basic FPS shooter with some mech trappings.

Those Chromehound videos look really fun. I guess I’ve really missed out (in terms of Mecha gaming) by skipping consoles for the last decade.

On a related note: Has anyone here played the Crysis-engine Battletech mod? I’d forgotten the name, but Google tells me that it’s called “Mecwarrior: Living Legends”.

I saw some footage of it years ago, but I never got the chance to try it. Has it been supplanted by Mechwarrior Online?

I was just thinking the perfect crossover from the SGJ Podcast to the Mecha Game Junkie podcast would be to cover the video game adaptation of ExoSquad. Mecha… in SPAAAAAACE!

I believe it was stomped by Mechwarrior Online, legally speaking that is.


Heavy Gear Assault is going to launch their Alpha Access 2nd wave tomorrow.

I happened to get an unintended peek at the site because I stopped by at just the right time, and snatched a screenshot of their tiered pricing. This looked chillingly like Mechwarrior’s “founder packs” bullshit. I have their marketing director on speed-dial, so I got ahold of him and got my freak-out addressed.

John was super nice and answered my questions for a couple of hours while they were also working on finalizing the site - which should be up tomorrow. Looks like dumb luck got us the exclusive scoop on a bunch of stuff nobody else knows… so you definitely read it on mechagamejunkie first.

Indeed. Not only that, but MWO also took a big shit on MekTek, which is why you can’t get the MW4 + Mekpak content from Smith & Tinker / MekTek anymore. Which MekTek was not very pleased about at all, btw.

In fact, you can’t get it anywhere unless you happen to know somebody.

Btw, there is a long-known antivirus false-positive on the mw4merc.exe, which can be safely ignored. It’s documented to hell and back. AVG and Norton still trigger on it.

Cheers for that. I wasn’t looking for it but was looking for something to do while waiting for Viking Conquest to be available, a bit of stompy nostalgia should be fun :)

Piranha Games screwed up the Battletech franchise which should (and probably was for them unfortunately) have been a license to print money, that they are banning other iterations of Battletech really pisses me off. Maybe I should get back into Megameknet before it too goes…

Nah, can’t be bothered battling X/3 charging Cicada’s with my newbie mechs ;)

Seems exactly like MWO founder’s packs.