Stoneshard - Open World Roguelike

I saw this pop up on my YouTube suggested videos and am checking it out now, it seems very cool!

I see @SlainteMhath mentioned it just half an hour ago in the bargain thread, but I think it looks interesting enough (at least at a cursory glance) to warrant a full thread. It’s got some real style to it, the animations look great, the pixel art feels perfect for the vibe they are going for (a bit of a Darkest Dungeon vibe, though the game doesn’t really look like DD).

In the tradition of games such as Brogue, you seem to start off with a blank slate type of character, run through a short prologue, and then from there can explore an open world in any fashion you like. I’m not getting a sense from the video I am watching on if replaying the prologue over and over again is something that happens just the first time you play, or every time (gulp?) but I really do like the way the game looks/feels. In particular, leveling up and picking skills and dumping points into attributes to steer into being a stealthy type, or a heavy armor two-hander type, or maybe a mage and learn spells from books and put points into those spells to use them.

It’s only $13.50 right now, I assume it will be a $20 or more priced title when it comes out of early access, which I assume won’t be any time soon. I’m kind of tempted to pick this up at that price just to putz around with it a little and stick in my Early Access catalog until it goes to 1.0, I have to admit. There are some concepts here, such as taking a wound to a limb or becoming cursed, or gaining a positive feeling like confidence to give a boost. Here are the blubs from the Steam page:

And here are the upcoming systems planned to be added:


Anyone else looking at this? I had never heard of it until like 15 minutes ago! I am going to watch more of this video and then skim the forums since it only just went live a few hours ago.

EDIT: I just read that while the game is designed to be a permadeath roguelike, you can opt out and the game will allow you to save when you rest at a Tavern (no save anywhere though, it’s a limitation on the engine they are using).

I’ve had it in my Steam wishlist since March last year so someone must have recommended it somewhere!

Got the email this morning about it hitting early access. Normally I would wait until 1.0, so will watch for impressions from some brave souls who take the plunge. :)

I assume it still has suspend, like any rogue-like does…

Yeah, good point - I think they are saying you can’t save and then reload from any point you want - but presumably you can save and exit and then get right back where you were, even outside of taverns.

Roadmap says 2 years…

Currently there is 7-10 hours content (8-10 xp levels), with a bit more coming in March.

The prologue is a separate (free) download, eventually it will be included in the main game:

That all sounds like a good start, but I think I’ll hold off until it’s much closer to launch. One someone says those magic words “oh, it’s basically a full game at this point” I might bite, but for now I am glad to know it’s a thing, because I think it’s got a lot of promise.

I’m going to stones SO hard!

*Sorry, read the title as Stones Hard instead of Stone Shard.

Same. I will try this prologue though.

edit: although…

I saw that coupon pop up in my inventory just now and am wondering if it’s 15% off the sale price of $13.50 (making the game $11.50), or if the coupon replaces the sale discount, making the game $12.74?

Pretty sure it’s in addition to the existing discount, so 15% off the sale price.

Per the discussions on Steam, widescreen resos (2560x1440, 3440x1440) are not supported, but the dev plans to add them later. If he does, I’ll take a deeper look at this game. It looks potentially good.

Yeah stuff like that is swinging the ball back to the ‘buy it when’s it done, discount be damned’ court.

I’ve had this on my wishlist since 2017 so it’s good to know they’re finally into EA. Though it sounds like a long way to go still.

I have DD and DLC and I didn’t get a coupon. How are folks getting this and I’m not? Do they only give them out to a few folks? Bummed out.

EDIT: I logged out of Steam and back in and then the coupon popped up.

I bought it. It seems like they are following the Caves of Qud model almost exactly. That game has been in EA for years. I bought it early and don’t regret it. This one is a bit of a gamble but I’m willing to take it to get the early EA price + discounts. I’ll let it sit in my library to ripen a bit.

This does look cool. But the first question that always pops into my head when I read the word “Roguelike”, is “Will this be as soul-crushingly hard as Spelunky?”

A lot of games use the descriptive term ‘roguelike’ but aren’t true roguelikes. Spelunky is a platformer, not a roguelike. Stoneshard is more like ToME or Caves of Qud. A modern roguelike that’s actually a roguelike. It may be hard but it will be hard like Crawl not like Spelunky.

Dammit @Scotch_Lufkin stop making me wishlist games.

I was a Kickstarter backer and got my key today. So far I’m loving it. I lost a guy because I forgot to heal his foot before the pain drove him crazy, and he became super ineffective at fighting. Hilarious.

I also had youtube recommend videos on this from some streamers, so I watched last night while I made dinner. Then I decided the game needed its own thread. But then realized it didn’t need its own thread yet, so I would post about it in the indie games thread.

And then I saw this thread. Problem solved! Now I just have to decide if I want to buy it.

I played the free prologue bit and decided to take the plunge with the discount and coupon code.

I’m a patient man and my Early Access track record is mostly great, so I will wait and see how it goes.

For me, in cart with coupon, it’s

Estimated total $11.47

Oh man, that is very tempting! Thanks for verifying the coupon/discount combo for us.