Stranger Things - Netflix

That’s just a normal whopper, if you order it from the place by my house.

My local BK would have 4x the mayo on it.

Ha ha – no kidding. It’s gross.

New Trailer!

The other trailers showed basically nothing. Whereas this one was like the average movie trailer and have everything away.

This is a good recap of Seasons 1 & 2 if anyone needs a refresher

That was a good recap. I watched it this morning, and then I started watching Stranger Things 3. They start you off with a Season 2 recap, that has music and is really well done compared to that youtube video, but the youtube cram it video has a lot more detailed reminders of what happened, where as the one you see on Netflix sets the mood right for Season 3.

I had to cut my viewing show so that I could get to work, but loving it so far.

Well their music budget got an upgrade.

Absolutely loving this new season of Stranger Things. They really knocked it out of the park (so far) :)

Is it a week at a time thing, or is the whole season 3 already available right now? I suppose I could just go look, but I wanted to contribute to the thread.

It’s all up now.

I’m so glad they do it that way. I guess the week at a time thing is becoming a relic of days gone by, but I’m not sad to see it go. Once an addict, always give me more.

And thanks @Dejin!

I do miss the communal aspect of weekly airings. The Sopranos was much better in the seasons when I watched weekly versus the seasons where I rented a season from Hollywood Video and binged it all.

But for shows like Stranger Things, it would drive me crazy to have to wait a week between episodes. It’s better when binged, I would think. Though it could have been interesting to discuss each episode at Qt3 as it aired.

It’s good and bad. The bad part is that I have to stop reading all of these threads since it’ll take me a good week or two to get through all the episodes, and I can’t feel confident enough after watching an episode or two that chatter won’t have spoilers already since we will all be on different episodes.

Time to stop tracking this thread for a bit.

God damn, they dialed this thing up to 11. This is Stranger Things on steroids. Awesome!

Great season! This season makes me appreciate season 2 more. Started out cringey, but got back to basics by end of episode 1. Loved all the separate events being equally interesting, went by fast like a good movie.

(Even though the Russians were so random, still made it fun.)

The cartoon communist killer bit is kind of silly. It was like a bad Bond movie.

Mike is growing up to look a lot like a Ramone. Eleven is gonna be way out of his league soon.

Spoilers for S3E8:

I realize the Peter Gabriel cover of Heroes was not recorded during the 80s but it was such a fantastic choice for that closing montage that it worked anyway.

I have to say, two episodes in, it’s definitely emphasising the guilty bit of guilty pleasure. The 80s nostalgia is so on the nose. The characters are so cartoonish this time (seriously, WTF is up with Hopper taking against Mike so strongly, like they had to shoehorn in an overprotective dad angle?). The structure is so “big bad” arc. It’s still enjoyable, but it’s kind of cringeworthy at the same time.

Not to be the party pooper here, but 4 episodes in, I’m a bit disappointed. They are pushing the 80s nostalgia stuff WAY too hard. That’s a personal issue, of course–I absolutely hated the 80s–the hair, the music, the clothes, all of it.

But there’s also just a lot of sloppy writing here, things that happen conveniently to make the plot move along, even if they make no sense. Such as, who puts a ventilator shaft in an elevator? Or, how fast would a normal human die at 220 degrees (narrator voice, very fast). Or after getting thrown through a brick wall? That’s just super-hero movie nonsense.

Definitely enjoying Carey Elwes, but I could do without Jake Busey. And its getting awfully cliched for “the guys just don’t get it while the girls solve all the problems” that keeps getting crammed down our throats.