Stupid shit you see on Facebook

I like how this is reversely very bigoted.

And really, in aqueous form, that means the oxygen and hydrogen atoms have ALREADY COMBUSTED!
They are already guilty of the crime!

Regarding the cars, is that an ISIS flag symbol?

Yes, it is the ISIS/ISIL logo.

I think that the post is trying to say, hey religious shit is bad stuff!

One could also interpret the post as “Islam = Isis” as it is equating the ISIS flag to a fairly benign christian phrase.

I made the mistake of friending a coworker on facebook a while back. I had to eventually hide his updates from my feed as they routinely contain things such as

Folks, I cannot stress this enough: don’t friend people you work with unless you really know them well.

This. A million times this. One of my coworkers is on my friends list, and she happens to be a bit on the right fringe. Apparently, she got caught up in a moment and posted about how “It finally happened: somebody at my work told me to stop brining in things that show my Christian faith because it made people uncomfortable.” I immediately hopped up and went over to her desk ready to drag HR into this … only to find out that she made the whole thing up. “Well, I was really just talking about the experiences that some people I know have had with their jobs, just to give them a voice.” I gave a word of caution, a vote of support that I’d always stand up for her and her beliefs, and went back to work & put her posts on “silent.”

Hey, truthiness is next to godliness, you know.

I steadfastly refuse to friend any coworker on FB until they are an ex-coworker. Not that my FB is the hotbed of liberal activism and swear-word laden geekery that my Qt3-posting is, of course, but still. Coworkers are coworkers, not friends.

Facebook is the devil

I dislike that facebook has basically been people sharing images with text written over them.

I dislike that the internet has basically been people sharing.

I dislike that my family doesn’t know what a satirical news site is.

I like the facebook page “Dihydrogen Monoxide Awareness”, which posts when people share their fake images talking about the dangers of Dihydrogen monoxide.

Here is a good one.

So is the whole image a parody, or does someone make parody images, and then idiots re-share them without understanding what they are saying?

The latter.


This thread has provided me far more entertainment today than I deserve. Uh…I guess that, to be on-topic, I should mention that I have never made a Facebook account. Or Twitter account. Or Instagram. Or Snapchat. And yet, I have not been reprimanded by or fired from my job…hm…methinks a plan is forming…

Not real, but not out of the medium-term possibility.

Never trust a PhD that insists on letting you know that they are a PhD.

I just watched that episode of The Flash last night!

The puns were worthy of C-level mid-'80s comics. Yikes.

Shoveling snow for a bunch of cheap skates is always more fun than video games.

Also, no one shoveled their driveway.

You gave 20 bucks to Bill, the guy with a plow on his truck, to plow your driveway.

Plus kids these day know how to charge for this shit now.

“Will you shovel my drive way?” “Sure, twenty bucks.” “Oh my, that’s so much, how about 5?” Off to the next house.