Subnautica - SCUBA, Unknown Worlds, drowning

That’s a Ghost, isn’t it? Somehow even more impressive.

It looks kinda like a large shrimp. Maybe make a huge scampi dish?

I played this for an extended period today. I wanted to try it out before the Quarterlies voting ended.

Wow, what a fabulous start to the game. I had no idea it was about… you know. I don’t want to spoil it. I kept exploring underwater and returning to my vessel.

But I have to admit, the first time I pushed too deep into a cave and ran out of oxygen and died (I’m playing on Survival), it felt a little weird to keep playing. It feels like I died out there somewhere. It’s weird that I can just continue playing.

Yeah, death is weird in this game. But so is resource collection/gathering, air supply, map size, etc. It is (in my opinion) a near-perfect balance of ‘realism’ vs gameplay. So there’s things you have to do, but really they just want you to play and accomplish things. I did think there is a hardcore mode for you if you really feel guilty about it, heh.

I know exactly what you mean. It really speaks to the sense of immersion.

In an odd reverse savescum I’m pretty sure at least once I loaded from a prior point where I was worse off than the respawn because of that feeling. Reloading felt like it had more continuity.

I played this on the PC a few years back and loved. Some of my favorite base building ever.

I wanted a game I could play with my young kids around on the couch, so I bought it again for the Xbox. Played it yesterday, then for about 5 hours today… Just booted it up and none of my saves from today actually saved, so I lost it all. Super frustrating.

Even after several playthroughs, I get a tightness in my chest when I get into a cave and can’t find the exit, it’s amazing that a game will get my adrenaline up like that.

Re:saves on Xbox.

Yeah, I mentioned that a little upthread. It takes a long time to save on Xbox. The little spinning icon goes up in the upper left corner, and stays there even when control is returned to you. It can last five or more minutes. I always made sure I didn’t turn the console off or close the game (quit via menu on Home or launch a different game) until it disappeared. One thing that I noticed was that the save time seemed to decrease the more often I saved, or perhaps the less time between saves, like it’s only saving changes since the last save-point? Does that make sense?

Sorry for not searching the thread!

Thanks for the tips. I also checked online and saw it is a widespread problem and got some similar advice to yours.

Kind of ridiculous

My poor first generation i5 can’t keep a smooth framerate in this game. It’s a shame. When it’s smooth it feels so much better to play. But every once in a while there’s horrible frame rate dips and a huge amount of pop-in as the world gets populated with detail.

I think the GPU should be good enough (980 Ti), so I’m going to blame my i5 or the game itself. I wonder if it’s a smooth framerate on the Xbox version yet?

Performance on Xbox is about like you describe on PC. Mostly smooth-ish, the occasional horrendous dip, and if you’re travelling quickly, occasionally you have to pause to let the world ‘catch up’- it doesn’t stream in fast enough to keep up. Eh. I got used to it. I was playing on an OG Xbone, though, not a fancy X.

It’s the game. But the game is worth playing through at least once even with the horrible world streaming.

There is very bad pop in, but I don’t really experience it as chunking. Now Yakuza 0, I get pretty frequent straight up freezes where the game just stops for 10 or 20 seconds.

Oh it doesn’t freeze- it’ll just let you keep going into the void, and then eventually fill in around you. One time in Early Access, I was (later game spoiler) bopping along in the Prawn Suit, and the game couldn’t keep up, and I fell through the geometry into the Lost River- because the geometry wasn’t even there yet, technically. I didn’t even know that existed- is just gotten to the Blood Kelp or something. That was harrowing trying to get back out, having no idea how to even get in, heh. . It’s gotten much better since then, but sill, I’ll be moving along, and the terrain doesn’t keep up and I get to the ‘edge’ so I just stop and wait until it fills in.

Changing an audio setting in the .ini file reduced the frequency and duration of those freezes. There’s a post on Steam somewhere explaining how to change that.

Picked this back up and playing the 2d version, after my first attempt in VR didn’t grab me. It’s going better this time. VR seems like a good fit for the pure being underwater experience… but vertical movement was important but awkward, and constant faffing with the crafting station with clumsy VR controls was also not great. 2d feels much more controllable. Looking forward to getting back to it.

I usually play this game for 30 minutes to an hour, but I was getting really frustrated with my situation.

So last night, I started over in a new game, and discovered so many new things. I ended up playing non-stop for over 2 hours. And I’m in a way better situation than I was in that other game. Starting over was definitely the right decision.

For what it’s worth, a good half-way is using Virtual Desktop for it. You can still use keyboard/mouse but you get a pretty nice view expansion that way. Not VR but certainly with that kind of feel. I played around with it over the weekend with how much curve and overall size of the display. Having to turn to look a bit makes it seem more immersive. I guess the drawback is you can still get off-angle and have to do a quick reset of your VR headset centering.

I’ve not done a VR playthrough, thus me attempting different methods over the weekend. I had some display issues with full VR since I’m not actually running an approved Steam VR headset.

You are invited to a special Subnautica livestream event. Join us on January 30th, 6PM UTC as we premiere the Below Zero Early Access Trailer and launch Early Access on the Steam, Epic, and Discord Stores.

Below Zero is not finished . It is full of bugs. It lacks polish, runs poorly, and is missing features. We are offering Early Access not because we want your money, but because we want your feedback. We make better games when we make them with you.

I may have to break my early access avoidance clause.