Summoner Wars iOS!

for how to play the game itself, then the tutorial for how to use the iOS interface aspect of it.

There is a tutorial in the main menu. It helps you at least understand each phase of play and explains how to ove the cards around.

I found tutorial to be pretty good actually, I never played the game before and I got a pretty good grasp on things after tutorial.

BTW, in the tutorial, they do mention how to cast special abilities.

Cool, I will give it a shot.

I can say this about the Guild Dwarves. Don’t let them near your summoners unless you’ve seen them use their “Heroic Feat” events. Even a one strength common can become a beast in a hurry with a couple of those.

Gotta say that I like the choices so far that this forces you to make. Also Magical I do not appreciate you killing that first champion I brought out so quickly.

A thousand pounds of ice Beast coming your way, Mageical!

I agree. While the game mechanics are not too complex, this game shines very brightly with the kind of strategy that comes from some white knuckled choices where taking choice A has a serious effect of not letting you do B later and even makes you decide if you should give C or D to your enemy. It seems like exactly the kind of strategic choices Tom usually loves. Perhaps the physical copy loses some of this feel? Or maybe I will feel less impressed with the opportunity cost factor of the game as I play it more and experience makes the choices no brianers.

For now I am very pleased with the $8 purchase, and this is one of my favorite iOS games. I do wish there were more AI/ single player options.

I agree, this game brings the tough choices and is all the better for it. There’s so many things to take into consideration, yet they all seem balanced. Should I sacrifice these common units for magic or could they be useful later. Is it worth it to have more units on the battlefield than my opponent? Should I spend magic to heal or summon? Where should I put this damn wall? The fact that each faction is going to have very different answers to these questions gives the game a lot of depth. I’ve never played the physical version but I can already tell this game is going to have a long life for me. Hell, I’ve barely even messed with the deck builder yet.

As for that champion, RainRaven, he looked scary, and when my dwarves get scared they tend to get all stabby(well, smashy).

Ahh, so you’re the one who’s been my sparring partner. Good games!

But there was no way I was making it out of that final situation in our last game, even with the defense bonus my summoner gained by standing next to a wall. I gotta say, that ice beast champion is crazy. 9hp, 3 attack rating and a chance to hit everything around him? Scary.

If anyone wants to hit me up for a game/easy win, my gamecenter id is nkoan. Lets do this.

My biggest problem is fear of getting rid of cards. So far I think I’ve only won one or two games against the AI. I still haven’t really found a faction that I love, but I’ve found a few that I like. Its frustrating, and a lot of fun at the same time.

Am I doing something wrong?

I’m trying to play multiplayer but my friends list is empty. Anyone else having this issue?

My game center I’d is Jorune2112. Add me to your friends list and let’s get playing. Hopefully by August we can have a league set up.


I’d say that’s probably the biggest tactical element in Summoner Wars. You have to get rid of cards, a lot of them, but choosing the right ones is important.

I generally choose a common unit that I’m not particularly fond of and get rid of every one that comes into my hand. Also, remember that you’re almost never going to be in a situation where you can summon all three champions, so it’s a good idea to convert a champion quickly if you know it won’t be used.

I am open to any game invites. Game center ID is gringokidd

Could I play someone using just the free part of the game?

Nope, gotta buy at least one to play online Dave, might as well buy the whole bundle you know you want to.

I don’t buy things!

Yup, good games, Mageical!

And as for Dave- do it. It even has deck building! Deck building! What if you could swap out hero academy units for other ones? Well this does that! Also it has a mercenary champion ratman named " Khan Queso". Honestly, I don’t know what else you could want.

I am so close to being sold!