Sunset Overdrive (Insomniac's game for Xbox One)

Launch trailer for the PC port!

Windows store only it seems?

It has a very active SteamDB entry, which is promising. I know I definitely won’t be buying it if it’s a Windows Store exclusive.

Edit: Insomniac have confirmed a Steam release.

any chance this will hit gamepass? is the w10 one playanywhere?

I doubt it since it was made before play anywhere was a thing (same as Quantum Break).

It’s out. Just a heads up, there’s no multiplayer in the PC version.

I (re) bought it and didn’t know there was a lack of multiplayer. Dang.

So how is the PC version ? Worth picking up?

This is on Game Pass for PC. I randomly selected it to Install.

Playing through the intro tutorials, I’m amazed at how gorgeous it is. I don’t remember the Xbox One version being this good looking. It’s such an interest mix of realistic sun-backed lighting and cartoony art-style. It’s surreal being in a world like that.

I never had an XBox One, but Sunset Overdrive had always interested me. This has been on Game Pass for PC and I finally tried it out.

I may not have had this much fun in an open world shooter since Saint’s Row 3.