Supergirl TV show on CBS

I disagree. It will be a call back to the classic team up between Batman and Superman. For some reason, they seem to work.

That was my first thought as well. You can have lighter, funny superhero stuff and have drama at the same time. The Flash does a great job of this. This seems so generic and sanitized. I don’t know, it’s a comic show so I’ll give it a shot but that trailer does not instill confidence.

I agree the tone really matches the SNL skit. I’ll give it a shot because I also like the lighter tone of the flash, but the hollywoodized office she worked I found really off putting.

Just watched the trailer posted by Telefrog. I felt it had a very CW feeling to it (and even wondered if they might have a cameo or two by Tom Welling). Thought it was kind of cute. Not something I would normally get into, but lately I haven’t been disappointed in the new superhero shows. I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with it.

At least she tells her friend immediately about her alternate identiy and it doesn’t get drawn out into an Iris situation! (from Flash)

Same here–the boss character is incredibly off-putting. I understand that she’s supposed to be the sort you love to hate, but she’s so awful that I’d rather turn off the TV than watch her. The rest of the trailer was okay, though. I’ll check out a couple episodes to see if I can stand the ratio of Hollywood awful to superheroics.

The Cat Grant character is so over the top that it feels like Flockhart is channeling her former costar Jane Krackowski’s character from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. But that show is absurdist comedy. The Cat Grant here feels like such an overblown caricature that it doesn’t fit the tone of the show.

(Also, is Calista Flockhart going to Kenny Rogers’ plastic surgeon?)

I think I’ll pass. That doesn’t look like something that I’d enjoy.

Yes, I’m rather meh on this one. If they tie it in to arrow and flash, I’ll become a lot more excited. These silo worlds that DC seems intent on building hold no interest for me. I love DC, but marvel gets world building…and thus seems to be winning the fight in media. Such a shame, since JLU was the pinnacle of the world building before marvel (IMO).

I’ll watch it. The Helen Slater movie is a guilty pleasure, and this looks to be along similar lines.

Hmm, in two minds - it looks exuberant, but it also looks like it’s going to be cliche-ridden. It’s also annoying that these people are so stupid they don’t see the virtue of tying things together and having a single universe.

I do like the “Devil wears Prada” angle. I also kind of like the boyfriend helping out - it reminds me a bit of Ultra.

sigh Ultra. How they hell did they manage to cock that up so badly? They had a superb lead actress, and a brilliant concept from a class comic book handed to them on a plate, which they then completely ignored and substituted some random shit for.


Don’t forget this premieres tonight, if you’re interested. (I am!)

I am as well, thanks for the reminder!

Impossible to forget if you watch any NFL games on CBS. First time I can recall that the annoying it’s-not-really-a-commerical-because-our-in-game-announcer-says-it ads were for something I actually planned to watch!

This is so very true. I thought there would probably be non-NFL-watchers out and about on Qt3, though :)

I’m stunned it’s only a 30 minute show. WTH?

It is?! Wow.

Really? It goes on from 8:30 - 9:30 according to the upcoming scheduled recordings on my DVR. Variety’s story says that tonight premieres after BBT, but BBT moves to Thursdays and Supergirl then gets the 8 - 9 p.m. slot.

It’s regularly scheduled for an hour each week, yeppers.