Swat 4

I equip heavy duty assault rifles and light everyone up. Sometimes after they have dropped their weapon execution style. No one fucks with my SWAT squad.

I’m no SWAT expert but I’ve been playing it a bit over the last week and noticed a few things about not getting “excessive force” penalties:

-Make sure you yell (press ‘F’) at suspects before shooting them
-Don’t shoot suspects who are about to drop their weapons (though sometimes they’ll fake you out and shoot back)

I’ve found the pepper ball gun to be a good non-lethal option, though some suspects will never comply no matter how many times you shoot them. If you’ve equipped your team with it you can right click and tell one of your guys to “Deploy less-lethal shotgun”. A taser is also comes in handy to shock suspects who are coughing but not dropping their weapons.

Some other random tips:
-Move slowly and methodically (I often die at the end of the mission because I’m impatient and just start running through the level) and make your team “open and clear” for every door (or “open, bang/gas and clear”).
-After you give your team an order make sure to tell them to “fall in” when they are finished
-Use the Opti-wand
-Don’t breach a door if you hear a hostage behind it (it can injure or kill the hostage)
-Pepper spray civilians who won’t comply

Did anyone have trouble activating the D2D version? I keep getting some stupid “Internet Connection Required” during the activation process. Haven’t solved it as of yet.

Nevermind… reboot fixed it.

Just completed the main game on hard, awesome game overall. Got penalized for unnecessary force on the final mission because I placed a breaching charge on a door that an enemy was directly behind. It was worth it to see him moaning in pain on the floor though. The missions where the enemies had gas masks were the hardest for me since I typically went in with an almost completely non-lethal setup. Time now to work through the expansion and maybe break out some mods.

Anyone down for some co-op this week?

I’d definitely be up for some, although my schedule is pretty packed until Sunday unfortunately.

ARISE THREAD (as this looks like the one to put this into)!

This is now, FINALLY, on GOG for your digitally purchasing and downloading delight.

I’ve never played this expansion, so I’m pretty excited.

The correct reaction.

Hooray! My copy has been lost to Direct2Drive or whatever it was called for years.

I still had my disk copy, but this is much better.

Also, everyone should check out the interview with the creators.

GOG also recommended this mod, which looks amaaaazing.

Sucks that Irrational is gone… they made games that all should play. This game was ahead of its time, even as good as R6 Siege is, it could have been an awesome tactical police SWAT game that SWAT 4 is. yup I miss ole Irrational… where have they gone? whats Ken up to?!?

BTW, for reference sake, the best way to do multiplayer SWAT 4 these days is Evolve. Way better than either GameRanger or Hamachi.

For Win10 users, there’s a teesny fix you need to do to get your network adapter working. Once you join a party, Evolve will install a network adapter. Once it does, follow the instructions here:


Then you should be golden.

Thanks, Brian! Instant purchase from GOG! No more CDs! I’ve been replaying SWAT 4 for years, and now my weekend is planned: going to be replaying from scratch the combined campaign using this MOD. Can’t wait!

I’m gonna do the same thing! Yay!

I’ve just found out that this is a thing. Haven’t had a chance to try it yet but it sounds like there is an emulated Gamespy master server up that you can redirect the game to. It supposedly just needs three lines of text added to the hosts file.


Thaaaaaaat looks interesting. I wonder what it takes to run a server.