Tabletop RPGs in 2018

I’m a super duper weirdo who hates playing in established settings. I have this absurd need to abide by all the rules and dates and preexisting lore, which A) is usually impossible to consume/memorize all of (if not for me, then certainly for everyone else at the table), and B) seems to often leave little room for “major” storylines that don’t interfere or “change history,” as it were, or risk running into preexisting major events/characters.

I recognize it’s a problem entirely of my own making, but it’s one I have never managed to escape, sadly, so I by and large don’t play in established settings if I can help it, and never run in them with one odd exception (and possibly a second in the near future, gulp!).

That said, a genre or conceptual space I’m still desperate to explore via TTRPGs is that of the quintessential JRPG. To the point that I’ve made some posts about it. . .

I have been so wrapped up in other RPG projects that I haven’t gotten to give this the time it deserves just yet. But it’s coming. Oh, it’s coming.

P.S. - I’d never heard of that de Camp stuff. That sounds kinda neat!