Tactics Ogre Reborn - November 11 (PS4/PS5/Swtich/Steam)

I was level 25 for most of Chapter 3 Law but was 28 either as I started chapter 4 or for the end of three, can’t quite remember.

Attacks mostly have a chance to bash but the only way to reliably knockback is to pop an ability that guarantees a crit. No other way to know for sure.

Thanks, good to know Both about the crita and about the level of chapter 3.

It looks like I missed a voice translation error though. I did not mean to ask about the “world “ but rather the “Wood”, I gather in chapter 3 some new parts open up?

Oh, I see what you meant… The dungeons seem to have encounters that scale with your highest character level. That’s how it worked in the PSP version, and it seems to be what I am observing with this version as well.

Does anyone know what skill, if any, recruits familiars. I get the red X when trying both regular recruit and recruit fey. (I had assumed the latter would be the way to go.)

Make sure they aren’t Rogues - you cannot recruit Rogues. Otherwise I belive they are considered Fey.

On an unrelated note, I always forget just how much the game feels like it truly begins in Chapter 4. That’s where all the crazy players and story beats start to congeal and come together, there is a ton of lore and world building that starts here, and I’m loving this all over agin, despite it being probably the 3rd time I’ve gotten this far in the tale (though from a different direction). I’ve even recruited a few charactrers I never even knew you COULD recruit, just random luck (there are SO MANY hidden things in the game, from venturing into a map node before a specific battle/event to trigger a cut scene to who you bring into battles with you to trigger mid-combat dialog). It’s wild. You probably need a guide or walkthrough to experience all of it, I venture to guess I’ve seen like half of what the game has to offer.

And then the post-game content. Hoo-boy. That I DO remember. And I can’t wait to dig into that stuff!

Silver Coins - I think we need to save some for special use? I havent been trading them in and have collected quite a few but never needed them for anything. How many should be kept?

I am still on Chapter 2. I am thinking I am making it harder on myself since I would have a lot more coin to buy supplies : )

I vaguely remember these but I can’t figure out how to see if I have any or how many? Maybe I need to look in the shop under Sell to see?

I think you used them to inheret spells and skills or something, I’m not sure what you need them for these days, honestly, since spells and skills are tied to items you equip and unequip. Maybe they factor into Relics somehow?

I’m a couple of battles into Chapter 2, so far so good.

I’ve been running with the stock characters that I just got through playing the game.
2 warriors, 2 archers, 1 wizard, 2 clerics, 1 rune fencer, 1 knight, 1 priest, 1 vartan

It looks like these classes are also available:
terror knight, berserker, beast tamer, paladin, astromancer, white knight, earth dragon

It seems like I should switch the class of one of the clerics to something offensive. I haven’t hired anyone yet either. Are there any downsides to switching classes? From what I remember from prior posts there are not any downsides. Would I be better off not switching classes and seeing if I can hire someone useful? Maybe having the 2 clerics and a priest would be useful if I run into a heavily undead mission. The Priest is a guest Catiua, so I don’t know if she is going to leave at some point.

I’m still pleasantly surprised about the story. I mean, I wouldn’t play this game just for the story, but it is a plus to have in this game. So far the game doesn’t really push the challenge level, except for a fight in chapter 1 - but I’m glad I don’t need to replay the battles to get past them since they do take a decent amount of time.

I wonder just how much changes with each playthrough. I’m early in chapter 4 and haven’t gotten anything to make astromancers or paladins so I can’t speak to those. I probably just missed something somewhere.

My berserker rarely gets used. I use my terror knight a little but he has so little chance of landing most of his spell status effects that I don’t use him much. Beast tamer I do use and white knights seem to be quite good but I’m basing that on a special character so don’t know if a standard recruit would be as useful.

Thus far I haven’t felt the need for more than one exorcist in any undead fight, and I have had fights where I’ve liked having multiple wizards available.

I have a Dreadknight Mark that I can use that I do not think I have seen mentioned. I just got the Ninja too. I have to hire a few more people to change class.

No, the other two enemy units with that appearance were rogues, but this one was a familiar – apparently a class of its own? Had an incredibly high MND stat, so I had high hopes for it. And endangered several units trying to whittle it down just enough without killing it. But when I did, no joy.

That’s for Terror Knights, which I think are pretty cool and I think were mentioned upthread. Slow, but tanky and can heal themselves with life drain. They can use a lot of the status effect dark magic too, but sadly not poison cloud. Their weapon selection is probably not the best either (2h swords, hammers, or axes only I believe), which is unfortunate if you’re planning on converting one of your regular sword-and-shield Knights or spear-wielding Rune Knights.

TBH I thought Familiars, like Lizardmen, had classes assigned to them, so I’m not sure.

I wonder why the Mark is called something different from the actual playable class? Thanks for the explanation.

No idea, but it bothers me too.

For many of the classes the male and female names are different, e.g. enchantress/wizard and Valkyrie/rune fencer. But the same class mark works for both genders.

Isn’t the cleric mark called a Sybil Mark? I’m not sure why either it’s just not the only instance.

I think that’s the class of the faerie I was able to recruit. Don’t think the percentage ever went that high, but I was able to recruit it with Fey Pact.

I’ve had a number of battles where I’ve been really happy to carry two clerics for the added healing flexibility. Sure I have some other classes that can cast a regular heal, but clerics get access to more variety and I just don’t feel like I can always count on Catiua to have an intelligent turn.

I do recommend getting a Beast Tamer just to be able to recruit some monsters and dragons. It also can use blowguns and whips if you’re looking to add some weapon variety to your cast.

They refer to Cleric’s as Sybil’s in the game’s lore and dialog. Easy to miss but something I picked up on this recent play through, probably thanks to the voice work.

I just realized you can use the help feature to cycle over to the unit model of the creature whose card you are looking at to see what race/species the unit is, and doing so I found out Familiars are actually UMBRA units. I assume that’s different from FEY (like Faries), so that might be why you couldn’t pull this off. That would have thrown me off for sure.

I was trying to figure out why Vyce was missing from my roster the last several fights. He was a rock star and I’m confused as to where he went - no story beats or anything took him out of my party. I was looking at the Warren Report and saw I did indeed have 1 slain ally, and in a panic and with nothing else I could think of to check, I looked up his bio and sure enough, he died on the field of battle. How I missed that I’ll never know - I would never let someone tick down to less than 1 turn remaining while incapacitated, so I can only assume something happned like maybe he was knocked off a cliff or something and I somehow missed it.

I’ve made some other stumbles with my choices, losing out on some powerful allies, but I guess that’s what the WORLD system is for post game. I think every time I’ve wrapped up the story I always think "okay this time I’ll use WORLD to replay and make new choices and collect folks I missed) but then I also want to delve into the post game content, so I do that first to get the best/epic gear and spells. I guess we’ll see how I feel when I wrap up chapter 4, which I’m nearly able to do now, save a side detour to check out the Palace of the Dead for a bit and try to get a few high end pieces of gear before the final (if memory serves, very challenging) battles.

Also, how cool are the bios in the Warren Report, that they update to the direction of the story and in reaction to the choices you make?