Tax Reform Under Trump 2017

One of the signatories, Gil Sylvia of the University of Georgia, does not have a biography page or any online trace of employment at the university. A university representative told The Intercept that no one with the name Gil Sylvia is employed there. There is a Gil Sylvia working as a marine resource economist at Oregon State University. He did not respond to a request for comment.


Nice find. And depressing.

Searchable PDF

Edit: one more showing the handwritten changes:

Every yes vote for this abortion of a giveaway should be political suicide. Should.

Back on Earth Prime it would be.

Tax cuts that literally only apply to their friends.

If only we could convince Democrats to become as amoral as Republicans. I’d do it if I could.

We already have that. They’re called Republicans.

We tolerate ya, Senator Klobuchar, but maybe find a millennial to handle your Twitters.

Democrats doing all they can to at least force this vote to take place after midnight on a Friday.

Dunno if anyone else here is watching. Wish we’d thought to set up the Discord for this.

At least it doesn’t take anyone’s guns.