Tell us what’s happened to you recently (that’s interesting) Part Deux

I mean, not that interesting, in the scale of things, but I’m always curious to see where we can pick trends out of human behavior.

And congrats on becoming a politician!

MANDATE! All must bend to your will as it is the will of the public.

Congratulations on your victory, and I hope your PACs were able to raise funds for a terrific victory party!

Election Day is only a few weeks away, I’m kind of surprised that the election wasn’t on the local ballots… but then you were saying that your position was more quasi-governmental anyway? Who was actually voting in your election?

God I hope not!

Exactly. I will actually be on the winning side of most board issues I suspect. But only because the board I’m joining is pre-seeded with friends of mine so I’m immediately joining a ready-made faction that is (as far as I can tell) the largest and most influential bloc of the board.

My campaign funds are several hundred in the hole right now because apparently new guy on the board picks up the bar tab. But several of us did go out last night and celebrate with a spendy steak dinner and a bunch of pretentious cocktails! I shouldn’t complain, the president of the board bought the steak dinner which was probably double or triple the bar tab.

It’s a weird gray area. It’s basically the state historical society, so it’s technically a branch of the state government and our budget comes primarily from state coffers. But the law that created the society and created my office allows the members of the society to elect the board. Hence I was elected by a mail-in (or email-in) ballot that was only sent to members of the sociey.

They have a weird cycle of elections where we get three-year terms and on any given year a third of the board is up for re-election. Thus they have elections every year at this time. It’s only coincidence that I ran in a year that was actually an election year.

Already lording it over the common folk.

I feel ya there @drtibbs. I went along with that once, but next time I’m not going to get stuck with another monster bar tab.

I don’t think I posted, but had to serve as an alternate on a murder trial a couple of months back. It was terrible, complicated, fascinating, and depressing. I just know I’d never want to be judged by a jury of my peers because that was madhouse.

During voir dire, I thought I had disqualified myself by sorta ridiculing the state attorney’s hypothetical in my only vocal answer. Maybe that’s why I ended up in the alternate doldrums

Funny enough a month ago I served on a jury for a trial as well. It went two days, was for the charges of -stalking, telephonic harassment, witness tampering, and criminal trespass.

It was fascinating in process, but the contents of the case were very disturbing. Majorly creepy actions. Background details included incidences of sexual assault of the victim when she was 8 (now 25) by the accused who is her half brother and was 20 at the time.


And the current incident happened, despite trespass orders, and were all sorts of wrong.

Ultimately we found him guilty on all charges, and it wasn’t particularly contentious.

Overall while the charges were horrific, the process of selection and trial was interesting and generally positive.

I’m vaguely jealous. I get summoned for jury duty almost every five years like clockwork, and then get let go a few hours later. Never on disqualification, I’ve just always been in that pool of people they randomly select juries from and I never get randomly selected. So I sit around while they weed people out and settle on a jury + alternates and then get sent home.

Be careful what you wish for. I went almost 60 years without a jury summons (and always wanted to experience it), then got summoned and seated on a rape/murder trial. Most painful week of my life.

The only jury I ever sat on was a civil case, medical malpractice, and it lasted eight days. So boring the judge actually fell asleep once. They weren’t happy with me at work when I came back but what could I do?

The dumb thing is we’d get there in the morning but most days we didn’t start hearing testimony until after lunch. The judge and lawyers had to review the day’s evidence to see what was admissable. That ate up the morning. So we’d just sit in the jury room and wait, and wait, and wait.

I don’t know about your state, but in mine my jury summons always come with a pamphlet that assures summoned folks that their employers can’t do squat about it and can’t penalize a person in any fashion for missed time for jury service. It went on to list all the bad things judges can and have done to bosses who felt like penalizing people anyway.

Yeah, I knew I was protected but there was some displeasure with how long I was gone. That’s all that happened, though. I felt like the attitude was one of I should have gotten out of jury duty somehow.

What, was your Princess Leia costume at the cleaners?

Wow I miss 30 Rock. Probably the only sitcom I’ve really liked since maybe Seinfeld, but god damn did I love it.

I’m pretty sure I almost died yesterday. Without going into too much detail, I got something slipped to me, that I paid for, that wasn’t what I asked for. No more (I’m ok). I was sweating like I just stepped out of the shower (no exaggeration), now today I look like I’m sunburned, and I wasn’t in the sun.

Getting support, but you’re my online family, so…

It looks so stereotypical, and what not. Psyche is relatively intact, and I think I miraculously still have a job.
