Tell us what's happened to you recently (that's interesting)

I will now post an exhaustive list of the tolerable things about moving interstate:

You forgot the credits!

Edit: No… maybe you didn’t.

Edit #2: Well shit did I read that wrong.


We did it in 2011, and it was hellish from start to finish. The fact that we’ll have to do it again sometime after my gf’s well enough to start school again is actually the only thing I don’t look forward to about her recovery!

I learned my lesson with moving. I pay for movers to handle most of it. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s worth it.

I’ve done two interstate moves this year (though the second one barely counts) and yeah professional movers are worth every penny.

When I moved from NYC to Orlando that list was a bit longer:

  1. Xanax.

Survived. Did the u-box thing (cheaper Pods by U-Haul) and yeah, paid large dudes to move the boxes from house to box. So, so worth that.

Our situation is a little more complicated in that we’re living with in-laws for a while, so stuff needs to be stored for an indeterminate amount of time. The uhaul thing works well with that.

Poor cat. 12 hour car trips are not his favorite.

Seeing my family again after three weeks away is literally the best thing. I’m bad at being single these days.

Oh also, driving 12 hours with a 28’ ladder strapped to the top of the Focus was something else, especially with the front left strap going straight across my field of vision. And vibrating constantly in the wind. Was like playing a marathon game that demands full attention for 12 hours on a cracked and glitching screen.

Grats on making it safely. And I feel your pain. We did 18 hours, with a stopover, with a parrot in a cage. Said parrot did not like cars.

This is really only interesting to me, but…

My daughter was working on a super secret art project before she went to bed tonight. When I went upstairs to tuck her in, she had conked out, but this was taped to the wall by her door:

That’s adorable, but why does your daughter want a prison to play with? I suppose you could buy her a copy of Prison Architect instead of a hamster.


That’s a more likely outcome! My heart melted and I started emotionally resigning myself to the hamster. My wife, however, immediately followed up her beaming with ‘Help Mei with spelling, and tell her the hamster is not happening’.

That’s an admirably clear letter, and forcefully argued. Strong opening, especially.

Be sure to post pics of the new hamster.

ETA: “Not happening”?! Crazy talk. Your course is clear.

The hamsters on parade have their eyes crossed out already, what is she planning?

Most of the eyes are actually trisected. They have facets like those of an insect or jewel. I suspect some rather advanced manipulation of the hamster genome is in the works.

Well spotted. She’s recently taken to drawing the Peace symbol in eyes.

Probably realizes she’ll end up doing all the hamster’s work.

Your wife sounds like my wife - we have two kids, one is three and the other ten months, and I know the day is coming when they will start angling for pets but my wife is holding strong. She just sees them as big shedding poop machines, not companions. We’ll see how that goes.

Except for the word just, she’s right.

…not companions.

And that’s where she goes off the rails. Good luck!


Wives are… impressive. But now, MONO leads! HAMSTERS FOR EVERYONE!