Ten minute game jam!

Nice work @jostly! Yeah, definitely tricky to coordinate what you’re doing with both hands. I played a few times and my best score was only 5500.

You’ve got a typo in the opening text screen, where it lists K twice instead of L.

That’s really neat. I’m not sure I understand what each machine is doing. And when I try to deposit a battery on the right, it never quite makes it.

Thanks for pointing out the typo @Thraeg, there’s always something… (but I’m happy that something wasn’t game-breaking).

By the way, I tried your financial game, nice work as well! I learned what I already suspected, I’m really bad at personal financial responsibility. :)

@GregB Thanks! What the machines do is sort of undefined – I saw it as the first one wraps the battery in that annoying, impossible-to-open plastic covering, and the second one puts that into a box. But I didn’t have time to do the graphics for that :) You should only throw boxed batteries into the container, and if you run out of power, you need to put unboxed batteries into the power supply.

Thanks. I’ll give it another try.


All right, thanks to you guys resurrecting this thread I’ve spent another session at the simple 4X.

This is what I have so far:

So far the only design guideline I have let go is the visuals-only, no text approach. I’m finding it would take far too long to reject text in its entirety. It will be light on words, though.

Also, it WILL be playable in 10 minutes, but unless I include a timer, the analysis paralysis will make it longer for most players, I think…

I don’t know how much time I can give this in the coming month, but next step is to implement leader traits (global mods), crises (random happenings that are triggered when using leader actions -a risk management aspect-) and research (making projects that work as powerful global mods and might allow some extra actions).

After that, end game conditions (avoid having too much instability), content so there’s some variety, and the first playable version I can post. By that time, there won’t be alien empires yet, so no war except for rebellion killing, and no diplomacy.

If anybody is looking for a cause for another short or casual game… The jam runs until mid-November

I made a little game about spreading deadly disease at the DMV. I had to turn off mobile support due to touch events triggering mouse events twice (JavaScript functions bubbling up…) but I’ll try to fix that in a day or two.

Anywho, my kids like it.


I fixed this to make the viewport a little larger and to make it work on mobile. Next up: smaller board sizes and a viewport that matches the browser window size.

For now, on mobile, use pinch-zoom on an empty part of the page to make it larger in the browser before interacting. It’s made with p5.js.

Look, it’s not much, but it’s more than I have managed to actually get done in the past!

My son has a little figurine from a puppy-in-my-pocket gashapon that he has had for over a year and loves to death. We don’t take him out of the house anymore for fear of losing him. He named the figurine, off his own bat, Offrey, when he was about three years old. So I decided to take pic of Offrey and transfer him into a simple one-button infinite runner. It’s not finished yet, but it is functional. The keen among you will notice it is also edumacational, with the planets of our Solar System in order and, within the constraints of making them decently visible, roughly to scale. I’m also old, so Pluto is included:

I’m no programmer, so my attempts to make games tend to lean towards dabbling on platforms or engines that are easy to engage with. I have occasionally tooled around with RPGMaker, Stencyl and Gamemaker, This one is with Gamemaker 2, which is a quite nice enhancement to the series. Pure drag and drop, since I can’t code. I do have a version with Offrey animated with Spriter, but the animated sprite is causing some sporadic collision issues I have not gotten to the bottom of yet.

Immediate plan is to add fuel pack powerups that Offrey has to collect to fuel a rocket ship at the far side of the Pluto, that flies him back to the beginning for newgame+ at a faster speed. Long term plan is to have the rocket ship fly to some other level or mini-game.

If your super keen, you can try it out yourself for 5 minutes of your life you won’t get back!

Space/Up Arrow/Controller A Button - Start Game/Jump (only works with primary controller)
Escape/Controller B Button - Return to Main Menu/Exit Game
Alt-Enter - Fullscreen/Windowed

That’s awesome! Has your son played it, or is this a surprise for him?

He hasn’t played it just yet, it will be surprise for him pretty soon though.

Reminder that Godot 3.0 is out, and it includes a visual script option now!

I made a little Santa game with Godot. It started with “hack day” at work and then was a good project for me to learn Godot. So… go download and play my Santa game. Game sessions are 2 minutes long, so it still fits into this topic. :)

Hey, that’s cool! Congrats!

BTW, 3.1 is around the corner… gonna be good, that one. Just saying.

So, anyone else doing a little holiday hacking?

I started writing a little puzzle game in the style of Sudoku or Nonograms/Picross. So far I have a crude Javascript/HTML UI and C++ code to generate puzzles that are always solvable with just simple logic. Next order of business is to make the generator create puzzles that require more advanced forms of deduction, while keeping the property that guessing/backtracking is never needed.

Looks like this:

The rules are simple and obvious enought that they can probably be deduced just from the screenshot ;)

Very nice! Yeah I am holiday hacking as well. Nothing to show yet though :)

Did a bit more work on this today:

  • Reworked the whole UI implementation; I started off using a single HTML table for rendering the board but it was just too restrictive and error-prone. So now it’s a soup of absolutely positioned divs stacked in two (soon three) layers.
  • Implemented the first bit of non-trivial deduction rules in the puzzle generator.

This second bit will require actually explaining how the game works. Here’s the full rules of the puzzle:

  • Every number on the board needs to be covered by a horizontal or vertical line that’s exactly that many squares in length.
  • Every dot on the board must be covered by a line.
  • Lines are not allowed to cross.
  • The goal is to find an arrangement of lines that satisfies the above constraints.

Here’s a puzzle:

There are two very simple ways to make progress. One is to notice that there is just one orientation / offset for a given line. E.g. the 5 in the lower right corner:

Filling in the board will allow making similar deductions elsewhere. For example the 5 above the previous line can no longer fit vertically. And since the amount of horizontal space is just 6 squares, we know the line has to fill the middle 4 squares in that area:

The alternative is to find places where a dot can only be reached from one number. For example the dot in the the lower left corner has to be covered by a line from the 3:

Just iterating through the above three steps would previously solve all my puzzles. With the new generator, it only gets you this far:

The deduction we can make here is that there is no way to cover the dot marked “B” without also covering “A”. “B” can be reahed from either of the 5s on the same row, but in both cases the only way the line can fit in there is by having it also cover “A”. This means that the 4 just above “A” can’t cross A, and must thus be placed horizontally:

And then the rest will be easy.

That looks pretty awesome, @jsnell. Right up the alley of the Crosscells crowd.

Reminds me of oh no/oh hi.

Those are basically the only 2 games perma installed on my phone.

That’s fantastic looking!