The All-Positive Star Wars Opinions Thread

Coming up on the 40th anniversary of Empire! A few stories are popping up here and there, and I just came across this one in my news feed. I hadn’t heard this before, that Lucas had actually modified the ending shot of Empire after it had been released to theaters. Kind of nuts.

IGN has done a couple more of their Watch From Home streams this week showing Episode III and Empire. Both were enjoyable watches with Empire being especially fun because they had Sam Witwer on who’s a walking Star Wars encyclopedia. Both recommended if your looking for couple hours to kill during quarantine time.

I watched Film Crit Hulk’s video on why Star Wars works. It’s great stuff.

I had never realized before how organically all the important pieces of the movie were introduced. It definitely makes the movie feel very different from most modern movies.

True story: back when I watched the Star Wars movies I always thought they were saying “Use the Force”. I didn’t find out until recently that it was “Use the Fourth”.

Happy May the Fourth everyone.

It’s May the Schwartzth!


that is cool

Thanks for this tweet and article! This guy sounds like he was moving the levers that brought Movieland to where it is today, and died far too young. It’s a pity he wasn’t recognized more in his time, and now, too. I missed that article when it came out.

Well, most people don’t care about executives (usually referred to as suits). So I am not surprised no one knows about him. I usually know the Director and maybe the writer and composer and in some special cases the FX guy.

Another easy one for the all positive thread: I’ve seen the first five episodes of Andor now, and even as someone who has no real negative or positive opinion about Rogue One, this is so deliciously good, you guys. I’m avoiding the Andor thread for fear of spoilers but still wanted to recommend it somewhere for anyone who isn’t sure. It just drips with atmosphere and makes the Star Wars universe feel like a real lived-in place for the first time (well, the first time for me, anyway). The music is subtle and flowing and really fits the series so well.

Gosh, it makes me want to say: give Tony Gilroy all the money and have him make more Star Wars series. Maybe Rogue One didn’t really hit me because we didn’t spend enough time with any of the characters and really get to know too much about the places and characters in that movie. We’ve seen now what Gilroy can do when you do give him the time, and it’s wonderful.

Rogue One had a messy development, so I think Gilroy probably did some spectacular surgery to end up with a movie that at least could walk on its own two feet. It’s fine.

I haven’t been able to get into Andor yet, but it’s probably not Andor’s fault. I have tended to watch pretty late at night before bed, and Andor’s first episode is pretty understated. Maybe the whole series is… I wouldn’t mind that, except I keep having to put it down after twenty minutes because I’m falling asleep and it’s been hard to get back into it. It also is clearly planting some seeds, and has mysterious flashbacks that don’t mean anything to me yet… Again, all fine, but it means it has pretty gentle hooks at first and that’s not compatible with my watching habits. Anyone have an opinion on when the show really sinks its hooks into you?

I had the same trouble. Falling asleep when I watch late at night. It took me a while to get through Episode 1 and 2. But I felt all that paid off well in episodes 3, 4, 5. I’m glad episodes 1 and 2 took their time in retrospect. I watched Episodes 3,4,5 in a single weekend. So yeah, buckle up.

Just realized I was posting in the All-Positive thread, so just to put the appropriate spin on my comments:

  • Rogue One! Amazing recovery from a difficult development!
  • Andor! Can’t wait to really get into it! Sounds great!


I think the show is the best thing produced on TV in 2022 - writing, acting, directing, cinematography, etc.
That said - if you get to episode 3 and are still shrugging - or feel like episodes 1 and 2 are not worth the trouble for 3… it’s not the show for you.

The Andor thread is pretty much an all-positive Star Wars opinions thread. :)

I’ll definitely check in once I’ve caught up!