The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I dunno, I detect some actual class in that coat of arms.

The guy on the horse should totally be giving the finger.

Well played.

Well I think they had different expressions in those days. Besides rather than flip the bird, they’d just send the Cossacks to trample some serfs. Much more direct.

Please Santa, please jail this motherfucker.

Of course he said that, he made all americans richer.

As for the Nigeria thing…eh, whatever. His base probably thinks its true anyways.

When Joe Walsh is sick of your shit, you should probably dial it back a couple hundred notches.

I never thought the President of the United States could be self-important, but here we are…

Such a disgusting waste of perfectly good oxygen.

and carbon! Just think of the tennis racquet that could be made out of all of that carbon…

Just think of the drums that could be made out of all of that skin.

Heh, from the Pool Report:

President Trump departed the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-sea at 12:19

The president was seated in the third row in the spot closest to the aisle, on the right side of the church (if youre in the back looking toward the altar). The First Lady was the only member of the presidents family to attend mass with him.

Reverend James Harlan, the churchs rector, gave the homily. It centered around the themes of the power of words and Gods light. He began by quoting Nelson Mandela, whom he noted rebelled against his government for its systemic oppression.

The Mandela quote: It is never my custom to use words lightly. If 27 years in prison have done anything to us, it was to use the silence of solitude to make us understand how precious words are and how real speech is in its impact on the way people live and die."

Harlan connected the power of words especially as it pertains to Gods word to their ability to educate, enlighten and draw out the best in people, while he also cautioned words can be used to cause harm.

Your words can have as much destructive potential as they do healing, Harlan said. Gods word is pure light.

What does the Pool Report have against possessive apostrophes?

What does everyone have against formal apostrophes. I have one in my name and can’t use it for online banking, air travel, my passport, virtually anything. Yet then it works when you least expect it too. Goddamn it.

So humble. The best humble.

He wouldn’t know humble if it bit him on his wrinkled white ass.

Shirking work to play golf is the closest we will ever get to “wisdom” from Trump.

What a vile piece of shit.