The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

No bone spurs here!

Laundry list of hypocrisy: The many things Trump attacked others for — then did

Just in case you missed some of it the first time.

It’s like he didn’t just visit an area devastated by fire… in November.

Fuck that douchebag

This guy is so stupid I am embarrassed for him and I don’t even like the man.

Uh which news organization said that?

I’ve not seen this so-called big story.

It’s not even true. They are actually higher this year than they have been for 4 years.

times 3.12.83 reporting bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling.

Is that true? We just paid $1.93 a gallon at Sam’s tonight for gas.

Sort of.

Gas prices are so volatile that anything written in advance has a chance to be wrong. Plus regional variations are so big that what is true on average may not hold for fairly large areas. But we certainly aren’t seeing incredibly low Thanksgiving gas prices…though it seems that way since the last month or so has seen such a dip.

I love his comprehension of how this works. He, an adult man, “pushes hard,” and then there are other adults who presumably business and then gas prices are low! It’s simple really. If past presidents had had Trump’s flair for these things, gas prices would have always been low.

Happy Trumpsgiving

Being an ass to own the libs


Yeah, world leaders can’t believe how strong he’s made our country.

Dumbest man alive

Not to be overly crude, but Bolton looks like he’s pleasuring himself behind that notepad. I can almost see his mustache quivering.

Not to be overly crude, but I have a sudden urge to drill a hole in my skull and funnel in some Draino.

Sorry, man. Have you considered drilling holes in your monitor as an alternative?