The Biden Presidency is underway.

He’s pointing out that the GOP hit machine didn’t need actual… Real things… To attack you with.

Also, Obama had a number of issues while president that probably stemmed from his lack of experience.

He was also Presidenting While Black, which is a major no-no in many parts of the country.

Yeah, he really should have worked on improving that. Shameful.

Beto for VP! I think he’d be a great one, even though his recent electoral record isn’t ideal.

If you want to run a young Democrat… Pete is right there. He’s the most impressive new guy the Democrats have, at least in terms of oratory skills.

Oh no kidding. The ferocity of the Tea Party wave (60-some House seats lost) was at least half due to the fact that 1/3 of US voters saw a black man take the Presidential oath of office and something in their brains just reacted like a Star Trek TOS AI being presented with a paradox. “Does Not Compute! Does Not Compute!” followed by sparks and smoke.

He’ll need to work on the whole gay/married to another man thing though.

I hear they have camps for that.

Cue the attack ads claiming he’ll get the CDC to make a vaccine that turns your 8 year-old gay!!1!

My kids are already fabulous.

Do we have a thread called these fucking Trump judges? Because we are going to want one.

I feel like the same court made the opposite ruling on the same issue when Trump was spending money on the wall without Congressional authorizations. It’s only illegal when Democrats do it.

Another issue that works up to the Supreme Court, where democrats can point at the court and say “These are the people that want to take away your right to choose. These are the people who want to keep you poor. And you know who put them there? Republicans. This is the Republican agenda. You need to vote us in to get them out.”

I wonder how long the justices are going to push things. Roberts is probably thrilled with how things are going right now.

Roberts’s legacy is irrevocably tarnished already unless something truly unexpected happens. As a parting shot, he could wait to confirm that Dems hold the Senate and then announce his retirement in February, allowing Biden to install a new chief.

It would never happen, but it would be the biggest circus of all time.

Big deal, they’d still have five.

And of course Roberts would never do it. We have largely him to thank for the bullshit “binding arbitration” legal regime now where the offending entities get to pick the arbitrators and pay for them, who then have all kinds of perverse incentives to decide against the complainant, but even if they decide for him/her, no big whoop, it’s a pittance compared to what the offender would have to pay in a class action settlement, so no bad behavior is changed, and the arbitrators get blackballed. Perfect system to protect the powerful! And that’s what people like Roberts want most of all.

Well, that was one of the Founders’ goals, so he’s just being an Originalist here.

Roberts’ legacy isn’t just tarnished, it’s now nothing but tarnish. Unless he finds a way to convince some of his looney-toons compatriots to retire, he’s both toothless and tarnished.


Man, I serious hope they also string fiber at the same time.