The Black Lives Matter movement

56 posts were split to a new topic: Can Trump and the GOP cancel/suspend/invalidate/overthrow the upcoming election? (spoiler: no, they can’t)

That right is reserved for ethnic European Republicans. Minorities carrying arms are terrorists.

No, it’s literally not. That was always just the fantasy of the gun fetishists.

White house has announced a 2pm press conference.

Well, we’re boned.

I’m going to need at least a half hour of puppy videos to prepare my sanity for this.

Tom Cotton is very manly and tough.

I always believed the right to bear arms was to ensure no tyranny could ever take hold over the land of the free and home of the brave. Correct me if I’m wrong please, as I don’t know shit about shit being pampered euro trash.

-Tweeted From My Bunker

Oh, sure, they say that. They also say the Civil War was a disagreement over state’s rights.

The so called ‘right to bear arms’ was always meant in service of the government, not against the government. The idea that it was ever about keeping government ‘in check’ somehow has always been right wing fantasy.

Right. Sorry for having misunderstood.

Thanks for setting me straight there!

My sincerest well wishes go out to those under the boot. Some day…

I don’t understand why they keep giving that man a mic. I mean… he’s an old, stupid and large toddler. Just take it away and let him stomp his feet a little. Give him burger and put him in the corner and give someone with power and a soul the chance to do something other than throw around threats.

I mean the thing Trump doesn’t really want to do anything, he just wants to shift the blame.

Now he could call up the National Guard under the Warner Act of 2007? i guess, if he declared a nationwide emergency, but would someone how to declare an emergency without congressional approval?

So maybe the game is that he’s going to submit to Congress to declare a national emergency so that he can deploy the National Guard, and then when the House refused can blame the Democratic leadership for failing to stop the riots?

He has already done this at the border, and the Supreme Court ruled that meant he could shift military funds meant for other things to the wall.

He might declare a state of emergency, and he might send in the national guard against governor’s wishes, but I’m not certain he can count on them gunning down fellow citizens.

Downey: [after the verdict was read] I don’t understand… Colonel Jessup said he ordered the Code Red.

Galloway: I know but…

Downey: [nervously] Colonel Jessup said he ordered the Code Red! What did we do wrong?

Galloway: It’s not that simple…

Downey: [anxiously] What did we do wrong? We did nothing wrong!

Dawson: Yeah we did. We were supposed to fight for people who couldn’t fight for themselves. We were supposed to fight for Willy.

Ok optimism time. What can be done to move toward a better place? My first thought is a complete overhaul of policing in the US. Some sort of national program that retrains all police on de-escalation, intrinsic biases, use of force, and whatever else is needed. The removal of military gear from police departments. A federal law mandating body cams on police.

I know this will never happen with President Trump and Moscow Mitch running the show. Maybe next year? Can we endure riots for 6 more months?

I don’t know enough about the UDC to pass judgment on its validity as an archival institution (of course it was founded by Lost Causers and no doubt has had a strong white supremacist strain in it) but I don’t celebrate the destruction of historical artifacts. It ought to be possible to preserve the artifacts of the Civil War without enshrining them as holy relics. (Again, quite possible the UDC did not achieve that.)

Shooting fights with police