The Division 2 - Make Washington D.C. Great Again

So I’ve just hit WT5 and what…I have to do these missions for a 3rd time?

The true endgame is in the meta where you now go online and complain about the lack of endgame on forums and Reddit.

Ah, OK, so once you hit 500 you start really focusing on Talents, recalibration, and maxing out, say,Damage to Elites, and all the other advantages. Got it.


Some random stupid questions:

  1. Where are the Russians? Cortana keeps telling me they are nearby but I haven’t encountered this faction yet.

  2. Is there any point to random people instancing in/out of the safe houses and White House? They aren’t people I’ve grouped with, have friended or in a clan with from what I can tell.

  3. Why is there always 1 bullet not in my gun I have to reload another time for?

Some tips:

  1. On disrupt-the-broadcast mission or anything where you have to activate something before the next wave arrives (like disable the scrambler for Black Tusk blockades) you can cheese it by waiting for your gadget/skill cooldown to reset before reactivating.

  2. I lied. I only had one “pro tip” so this isn’t really “tips” but rather, “just the tip.”

1 - No idea what you’re talking about. There’s no Russian faction.
2 - Explicit point? No. Beyond gawking at each other’s loadout I guess. Just small social spaces, I assume to make it feel like there’s more agents out there in the city beyond you.
3 - Drives me nuts. I think it’s the bullet in the chamber.

Hmm. I thought they’d be the same people in the same chat channel or something or we could interact with them in a lobby but it’s completely random and they fade in/out.

Someone else answered that I’d misheard “rations nearby.”

RATIONS! I’ve been hearing Russians too.

Yeah the extra bullet is in the chamber. So magazine size plus one in the chamber for guns that accommodate that.

I’ve never found Cassie if that’s the wandering vendor. I’d read that you need to accept a bounty from the guy showing up at random places on the map, but even after that I can’t find her.

Jared/The Snitch pops up at random, but after you talk to him, Cassie then shows up as a shopping cart icon on the map until she moves.

Do you have to successfully complete his bounty before she shows up?

Pretty sure you don’t. I hardly do any bounties and she was my fastest way to up my GS per WT. I remember she sells both a unique AR and pistol, and each was the highest GS of your at-the-time WT. Yes, I bought the same AR from her like 2-3 times.

Even with a beefy system I get intermittent lag like at at 5:45 timestamp. Do you get this?

Once a session I get a running in place where I know it’s network lag.

Well the grenade launcher is not for me as I keep killing myself with it.

Aim farther away. :)

What’s weird is there is no controller remapping for TD2 it seems. I have to use the keyboard temporarily to bring up the emote menu to satisfy that stupid social project.

Funny, I have to use the controller to use the map, since I remapped some of the keys and those interfere with the map keys, so I cannot change difficulty/matchmake from the map.

I’m still wondering about this. Has anyone had issues with changes in Settings not saving?

The parachutes with supplies hanging under them you can find here and there on trees, sides of buildings, etc. - are those a limited number and in set locations? Or are they randomly generated? Want some more dyes. ;)

The seem to refill themselves.