The Division 2 - Make Washington D.C. Great Again

After watching a couple videos and marveling at the capacity of NPC’s to absorb bullets I decided even $3 was too much for me. Not that big a fan of the 3rd person shooter thing anyway, but was somewhat tempted by the DC locale from nostalgia.

If you’re not a fan of bullet-sponge enemies, then this is definitely not the series for you.

Yeah, The Division is all about NPCs taking 12 shots to the noggin and still being able to drill you with laser precision

Thanks for the warning then ;)

Well, that’s both true and not true. Remember the game is an MMORPG and the damage you cause is going to be highly dependent on your gear, which is of course dependent on chance drops for the most part. Get good gear though and you can crank through most enemies. It’s the whole getting good gear thing that’s the trick.

Echoing @divedivedive I am one of the worst FPS/action gamers around in terms of (lack of) keyboard/controller skills.

But I have had little trouble with TD2 getting all the way to World Tier 5. Sure there is the odd difficult mission part that needs to be repeated but generally not too many problems, especially as you get more powerful. I have never needed to co-op although that would have made the difficult parts easier of course. I have done all the strongholds on challenging solo. If I can do it anyone can.

If you have any skillz then this should be relatively simple; when I watch youtube videos of decent gamers they look like they’re playing a totally different game to me.

D2 does a good job at disguising the bullet-spongery by giving you incredibly powerful, fun and interesting tools and meaty-feeling weapons that, when used properly, can make you feel like a very lethal force. Sure, there are some bosses that can take some serious punishment and that certainly pulls back the curtain a bit but once you know their weaknesses they can be dropped fairly quickly. The baddest bosses are usually very heavily armored too so it does allow the suspension of disbelief to a degree.

And once you have good gear, pray they do not change the stat weighting on items, or that you have the patience to sift through multiple inventories in a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE UI to find the best in slot items.

At least with a decent out-of-game API there’d be a 3rd party website to give you “best in slot” items, instead prepare to spend a lot of time trying to make the best build, only to find the next patch fucking it up.

I guess you could chase the chimera of ‘best gear’ if that’s your thing, but I never bothered with that, just found what worked for me and modded and refactored it until it was as powerful as possible. You can get by with good gear even if it’s not the best gear.

I don’t know why, but the $3 price point was too hard for me to resist, even though I have no interest in playing The Division 2. I bought it on Xbox One and I bought it on Uplay. So that’s $6 spent so far. I wonder if I should buy it on PSN, just to get it out of my system? That way I can safely ignore it on all platforms.

OR… maybe, just maybe, someday someone will say, hey, you want to join me in The Division 2? And no matter platform they play on, I’ll say “sure”, and look all smug internally.

Hey, you want to join me in The Division 2?

I actually bought gift copies for two of my friends so I could basically extort them to play with me. I set down the game some months back, because while I enjoyed it I just wasn’t having as much fun on my own. I would like to plow on through to the endgame since in the first one at least, that was when things really got going.

I don’t have it but I’d pick it up for $3 if I could find a couple of people to play it with.

I’m playing again to do the new class-specialization unlocks, so feel free to ping me if you’re looking for co-op folks. (‘Itsatrap’ with same as Qt3 profile picture)

I’m in as well and having a surprisingly good time with it.

I apologize for the ignorant question since I haven’t followed this thread at all. Is it possible to get through a lot of content in just single player like you said you did with the first game? Or is this one more dependent on playing coop?

I finished almost all of World Tier 1 solo, only near the end did I feel the need to group up, as missions didn’t seem balanced for 1 person. WT2-5 is made for groups, and I never had any issues playing with random people. :)

I might reinstall after this weekend, and if I see anyone on I’ll join in to help.

I’m about about lvl 18 or so, and most of what I’ve played has been solo with the occasional rando sessions. I think it’s totally doable, but I imagine it’s easier with more people if for no other reason than having someone to watch your back.

LVL 27 100% solo. However, you can easily jump into random groups with zero effort.

Difficulty scales up directly with the number of players, which is to say, solo runs are completely doable. Co-op makes some thing easier and some things harder. As with all co-op play, it depends on whether you’re able to coordinate effectively, e.g. to focus-fire on tough enemies.

I played all the way through WT5 solo. Occasional co-op with my brother because coop with a friend is fun. It scales the enemy numbers etc. up as you add more people to your party.