The Dominions 4 Thread of Multiplayer Stabby Stabby Ascension - 2014 Edition

So the Manual says:

“All that is required is that players create their pretenders using the Create a Pretender God tool,
and send the resulting file to the host player. This file is located in the /newlords folder which resides
inside the aforementioned /savedgames folder.”

However, I don’t see the aforemention. I’m sure I just missed it but where is the savedgames folder?

post 845 in the other dom4 thread might be of interest.

I had a brainstorm and ran a Search for “newlords” and found it.

From the game menu, go to game tools and click on “show game data folder”…

The game is supposed to start in a few hours, but we’re still missing pretender files from Mark Asher and Angrycoder. Do you guys need more time?

Also, for those new to Llamaserver, here is a link to the game, where you can see some basic info, including (once we start the game) when the next turn is due .

You might have people assuming the deadline was based on U.S. time…

Yeah, that could be, although by now it should be monday US time, so it’s cutting it kind of close. I’ll put the game on auto-start, so it’ll send out the first turn when all pretenders are in. I’ll also send out PMs to the last players, so hopefully we’ll be able to start soon.

Snoozers is apt…

Alright, we just need one more. If it’s not in by tomorrow, we’ll just start the game then and make do with 11 players.

And we’re off! And with a full 12 players, too.

Good luck everybody!

Again. Everybody in Snoozers is reminded that there is no shame in surrendering to C’tis early. It just saves paperwork later.

Agartha surrenders to the almighty Ctis! We bow down before the incredible might of the cold blooded scaly ones!

(says Pangaea)

Oh! I like the cut of your jib. We’ll eat you last.

How dare you, sir! Agartha will never bend a knee to the noxious heathens of C’tis. Your maenad ladies, on the other hand, are more than welcome to bring some warmth into our caves…

BTW, is there any problem with playing this on more than one computer as long as I create a game folder and download the proper turn into each one?

I’m pretty sure there isn’t, as long as the installed version of Dom4 uses the same authentication code on both computers. Wiser people may correct me. :)

There should be no problem.

Hey guys, can I get a 12 hour extension for qt3ascendancy?

Been travelling with limited internet access and will be on a plane in a few hours…


Also, a special thank you to whomever coded undetectable indy mages leading heavy infantry, with access to evo5 spells on turn 3.

No really, thank you