The Everquest Next Landmark thread: Let's stake claims and build things

A separate game from Everquest Next, the EQ Next Landmark Alpha is due to start today:

John Smedley

Alpha officially starts later today. Emails will go out and you’ll be playing today. It’s going to likely be later.

The official website describes it as: “an online social building game where you can create anything you can imagine”.

The game is based on exploring the land, staking a claim to your own corner and crafting and building whatever you like. You can dig deep, build high, mine and make new materials, all that using advanced editor tools.

If you don’t know what the game is about or you want a demo of the building tools, this video is a must watch. What is EverQuest Next Landmark? Official video:

Video on claims:

Dev diary on crafting (the randomly placed altars encouraging to go out and explore sound interesting):

Here is a Preview on USGamer:

My wife and I have gone for a founder pack and are looking forward to some exploring and building.

Anybody else planning to check it out?


Yeah - I have an explorer founder pack, and can’t wait! I’m unsure how much we are allowed to talk about it, though, since there is an NDA. I just haven’t seen it.

Is this paid alpha/beta only?

I believe you’re right. We won’t get to talk much about it yet. While the NDA doesn’t cover stating you are in, it will cover streaming the game or talking about in game stuff. I’m trying to track down a copy of the text to review it.


At this stage, I think so. Though you can apply for a beta key on the official website too (or be granted one elsewhere through a contest).


I just purchased a founder’s pack today, and according to SOE I should have my Alpha invite tomorrow.

Trailblazer here, 15 year EQ1 vet. Cazic Thule -> Ayonae Ro -> Tribunal -> Bristlebane. Valiant Crusaders and Sol Invictus guilds.

Emails have started, they cracked champagne at the Year of EQ celebration. Refresh refresh refresh.

And you don’t need to wait for an email - if you bought a founders package you can d/l the client and log in even if you didn’t get an email.

There is a post on the Alpha forums that detail what to do.

Landmark is open and NDA is lifted.

Some random comments:

  • Tiers represent a long grind. But tools don’t seems to break.
  • Graphics are good.
  • Server seems divided in instances, instances have different generated terrain, and are generated for different tiers. A server may have 12 of these instances. Every instance is pretty large and theres not fast travel, still people seems to fill the area with claims on tier1 instances.
  • Minerals are pretty.
  • The game is now “Upgrade your pickaxe: The Game” just now. But this is just the beginning. I am still doubting my sanity for getting this. Maybe I am insane (-:

Bad things:

  • Chat seems to have a 8 seconds lag, but fill very fast with “you loot this”. So is hard to talk to other people, like finding people lost in a sandstorm.
  • They have to copy starbound idea of “shift click to autoselect your best weapon for the job”. My toolbar is filling with different tier pickaxes (that for some reason are not direct upgrades)

Yay for lifted NDA. Teiman - remember while the game itself consists of upgrade your tools, that would be akin to saying that Minecraft is a woodchopping game. There is so much more going on, and this is just the Alpha.

John Smedley ‏@j_smedley 6h

The nda is lifted but you will still see the physical nda until we can yank it from the process

As we’ve discussed already in Elder Scolls, its usually a bad sign when the NDA is enforced as heavily as it is in ESO, so I take this a a very good sign. At least they are confident about their game, and personally I think they have every reason to be.

I had a ton of fun, and started out by building a small wooden house, extremely ugly house. My current plan is to make two towers with a house suspended in the middle between them - A sort of keep, where the main building doesn’t touch the ground.

For an alpha, this rocks already. Future plans is the addition of combat, npcs and tons of other stuff.

I can really see that EQN is going to be crazy already.

Yea, is normally a good sign that a NDA is lifted in a MMORPG. But EQNL is more a game like Rust or Starbound (in the sense of true sandbox with literal sand), so maybe they are lifting it because they want Let’s players doing his magic here. And I don’t think the game is on a state where a youtuber can make a good lets play for it. Everything take a lot of time and in that time nothing interesting happens on screen (this is a problem for players too, I think. I has ben playing this game with the window resized to half the screen and a movie in the other half).

I want to build the remains of ozymandias :D I think the curved building and smoothing tools will allow for biological like stuff easy.

Is there anything but blue bricks? The one thing that disturbed me in most of the screenshots that have come out is that every building/castle/fort/whatever was the same odd blue color.

Eh? There are no blue bricks that I’ve seen? There is wood, stone, iron, copper, tin, all properly hued.

I would say my monitor is uncalibrated, but in that last picture the masonry is bluer than the sky!

okay…I don’t know what to tell you then, man. There are no blue bricks in the game.

Hah, I just noticed the entirely blue bricks in the lower part of the last picture! My bad - I guess I haven’t seen everything then ;-)

Thats possibly the lighting and the blue tint far things may get. My claim is on a desert and have the warm tint you can expect from that. Everything looks more blue on the night, of course. EQNL don’t have true night, just blue darkness.

Norrath bricks are drow. Drow!!!

Terry confirmed to me via twitter this morning that Invert Y is coming, no timeline tho.

No fucking clue how anyone is playing this without it.

It makes me concerned for EVERYTHING they are doing that their entire organization has been working without it so far and they felt it was just fine to launch external alpha without it.