The Fall Guy movie with Gosling and Blunt

Isn’t it huge? Like, every couple on the planet huge?

I figured this kind of movie was tailor made as something for both him and her.

Oh how I long for a rennaissance of the Romancing the Stone era!

I went with my wife and she enjoyed it even more than me, so you might be onto something.

OK, I’m in.

I saw this last night, at a drive-in of all places! And maybe it was the double nostalgia hit, being in a drive-in for the firet time since I was a kid and seeing an updated version of a show I watched as a kid, but I had a really great time. It’s a pretty lightweight affair, as much comedy as action, but I thought it was a fun ride. I’d see it again. Might have to, in fact, because some folks around us started their engines toward the end and I missed a lot of dialogue.

We saw it yesterday in a Dolby Cinema theater and it was really good. I mean the story is mostly pointless, but the action scenes and the music make you really not care. I love practical effects so just watching famous people do stunts was all I really wanted anyway. Thumbs up…

It is worth pointing out the music. I was taken by surprise a couple times by the song choices, but it really worked.

Gf and I saw it on Sunday and had a blast. Yes, the story is nonsense. And I kind of expected it to be more like Channing Tatum in Lost City where he was just a schmoe over his head, so was a little surprised when Gosling started kicking ass in a fight scene. And I kind of wish we could just never have one dimensional villains in any film. But the action scenes were pretty awesome. And I really liked Emily Blunt’s kind of breathless, fast talking portrayal of her character. My favorite scene was when she knocked on his truck window.

I laughed really hard when the villain was monologuing and Gosling shouts, “You are running on GLUCOSE! You need CARBS!”

FYI if anyone does go see this. It’s one of those watch the entire credits movies. I was surprised how many people left during the stunt reel.

Really enjoyable bobbins…Gosling and Blunt were excellent, and the surrounding cast was also great - Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Stephanie Hsu and Hannah Waddingham were also very good.

Lots of fun to watch and it also looked like the cast and crew has fun.

Stephanie Hsu is always amazing. She should’ve had a bigger part here.

Need to try and grab a viewing this weekend as it just dawned on me I’ve got a thing for stuntman movies.

The Fall:

The Stunt Man:

Don’t forget Hooper!

Saw this at the «baby cinema» (you can bring your little one, sound is lower and lights not totally dark) - pretty much a perfect fit for that!

“From the team that brought you Smokey & The Bandit.”

Gee, really? I could not tell. I remember as a kid being psyched that I had Bandit and Roscoe P. Coltrane in the same movie. This was before Airwolf, but I knew JMV from something…

That said, hot DAMN! Sally Field was something back then. Yowza!

I’m out, don’t do romance in any type of genre :slight_smile:

I thought this was mediocre at best. The core problems are that the story is too insubstantial, and the action is artificial.

The movie takes like almost an hour to just establish the premise which should have taken 5 minutes. And once the plot actually gets moving, there just isn’t anything to it.

And the vast majority of the stunts throughout the movie are being done just for the purpose of doing stunts. Like, the in-movie justification for the action is that they’re doing a stunt. This is unsurprising given the subject matter, but it was surprising how much of a difference that made. I just didn’t care about those sequences at all.

So the only part of the movie that was engaging was the 30 minutes or so from the fight in the dragged container to the boat explosion. That was the only part where the action was organic, and where the story was going somewhere.

I thought it was a “fun movie” that basically does what it says on the tin. It celebrates stuntmen and comes up with various scenarios where they can strut their stuff, while 2 pretty actors draw you in with their charm.

Its a bit flabby and you could shorten the intro, the storyline is rather transparent, but overall its an entertaining 3 star film. I guess it hinges on how much you enjoy watching Gosling & Blunt?

I really enjoyed it. Didn’t expect a masterpiece, didn’t get one, but a lot of fun was had.

Our reaction was lukewarm. Mildly entertaining and imminently forgettable. OK as mindless entertainment.

Assuming stuntwork is where it excelled, but with CGI these days I guess we are used to seeing the impossible come to life and it didn’t have the impact it may have had in earlier decades.