The Fall Guy movie with Gosling and Blunt

I like the updated truck at 2:15. I wonder if there’ll be a special GMC ‘Fall Guy’ pickup promo.

That kind of comment makes me feel old. The Fall Guy was a weekend fixture of my teenage years (dubbed in French on French TV channels).

The French version of the country song of the credit was slightly dubious. But it was a fun series.

Huh, I don’t remember it at all in the UK. But we didn’t get a TV until the late 80s, so maybe it was on and I just didn’t know.

But Miami Vice was definitely a cultural thing here even though I never watched it. Don’t believe that’s the case for Fall Guy.

I was 10 when it was on. I remember watching it, but no details about it at all. This was around the same time that Knight Rider and Airwolf were on, and those two I still remember vividly, so it made the least impression on me out of those three.

Yeah, I loved both of those as a kid

I watched it as a kid, but always got it confused with the Bionic Man because Lee Majors starred in both.

My parents watched it. I thought it was lame adult show drama stuff, so I never really paid much attention to it.

I was alive for the last couple seasons on TV, but I certainly wasn’t watching it.

But it had both Heather Thomas and Markie Post!!! Who the hell did Knight Rider and Airwolf have?!

That is NOT Bonnie, nor April. She’s gotta be from Knight Rider 2000 or something.

Yeah, I don’t know who that lovely young lady is, but she most definitely did NOT Hassle the Hoff.

Ah… I was a bit too quick to trust google. Seems to be an AI approximation of Patricia McPherson?

This thread sent me down a bit of an 80s TV google hole, but TIL that there’s an episode of TJ Hooker with both Heather Thomas and Heather Locklear.

The essence of TJ Hooker:

The two Heathers on screen at the same time? Show that episode to an AI and you’ll get the singularity.

They also appeared together in one of those cheesy Battle of the Network Stars games.


now THAT’S a rabbit hole to go down. Lynda Carter, the Heathers, Daisy Duke, etc. all in various states of 80s workout clothing and/or swimsuits. Just watch out for Hal Linden.

Or Gabe Kaplan.

I watched this yesterday. It took a while, but after 20 minutes or so I was thoroughly charmed by the main actors, and the humour began to click for me. This is a strange beast, a romantic comedy with spectacular practical effects, and maybe the biggest love letter I have ever seen to stunt crews, which is not really surprising coming from David Leitch, admittedly. There is next to no need to know the TV series, and people expecting deep cut references or the kind of humor the Jump Street movies used so beautifully will likely be disappointed. I liked it, but I fear it may be a movie looking for an audience, because I don’t know how big the Venn diagram of people liking stunt and action shit and people liking romance really is.