The Fall of Harvey Weinstein

There’s a lot of talk here, and I’m not sure what the point is.

“Only I can strangle her and spit on her face properly to meet my vision of what the scene should look like,” is just creepy as fuck.

Which has nothing to do with what I’ve been saying, but never mind.

In an Instagram post, Uma Thurman says she forgives Tarantino, but still holds Kill Bill’s producers personally responsible for the crash.

Quentin Tarantino, was deeply regretful and remains remorseful about this sorry event, and gave me the footage years later so i could expose it and let it see the light of day, regardless of it most likely being an event for which justice will never be possible. he also did so with full knowledge it could cause him personal harm, and i am proud of him for doing the right thing and for his courage. THE COVER UP after the fact is UNFORGIVABLE. for this i hold Lawrence Bender, E. Bennett Walsh, and the notorious Harvey Weinstein solely responsible. They lied, destroyed evidence, and continue to lie about the permanent harm they caused and then chose to suppress. The cover up did have malicious intent, and shame on these three for all eternity.

If somebody has to spit on or strangle the actor for the story and the realism of a scene, who better than the director?

I interpret it as an extension of the trust and collaboration between a good director and an actor or actress. Kind of like those stories of how directors will, say, jump in frigid water before asking the performers to do it. It’s a creative process bonding thing and, as long as its talked about upfront and fully agreed upon, I don’t see a problem with it.

The broader issue of violence against women in movies is a lot trickier.

Heeeeeeeere’s Johnny!

If we’re talking about it, the trust probably wasn’t there… and since he sent her into a tree, I don’t think he earned it.

I think the car crash (understandably) broke the trust but it was healed over time. That’s just terrible judgement from any director and we’re lucky she wasn’t injured more severely. But I wasn’t talking about that.

Quentin Tarantino replies:

He doesn’t deny anything she said, but tries to spin it a bit so he doesn’t resemble a sex strangler. As much.

The actors? It kind of beggars belief that the actors are capable of doing all of the other acting, but somehow the degradation scenes just demand that the director step in to “do it right.”

Heh, I guess I should have included a caveat… if the actors can’t do it for some reason.

I dunno, I think it’s dark and twisted and cool that Dario Argento is the one doing the stabbing in his horror movies.

I think the solution isn’t to publicly shame male directors into stopping this kind of thing but rather to have women directors doing similar things to male actors in different kinds of stories to bring balance to the world.

I’ve always seen it as the directors Mary Sueing their way into the film. There’s not anything inherently wrong in that, but it strikes me as slightly disturbing when they only do it for (obviously pretend) violent or otherwise reprehensible acts. I can see circumstances where an actor just doesn’t feel comfortable doing something, but stuntmen seemed more qualified to handle it (or in the case of spitting on an actor, practical effects).

I offered Tarantino the opportunity to clarify because at this moment, stories get written and then picked up across the globe, often getting twisted to suit convenient narratives in this #MeToo moment.

Yeah that awful MeToo movement, uncovering decades of predators… not at all biased is it? He didn’t even pretend to be neutral with this.

If the actors don’t get one of their other shots right, they might repeat it a few dozen or even hundred times until the director is satisfied. So I can see why a director as obsessive as Tarantino might step in to do this himself.

That isn’t what was written. It’s a dumb statement to make, though, I agree in that regard, especially at the start of an article that you want alot of people to read. Other than Tarantino and Franco (to a lesser extent), I would be interested to know which articles got twisted because I can’t recall others.

There is clearly a group that wants to destroy MeToo, as if the Weinsteins of the world were completely made-up, as if we didn’t have decades of abusers, and their enables, and no one reporting on it… at all really.

There are a few cases that stimulated arguments, but they weren’t twisted simply because opinions differ. Aside from one right-wing nut job who tried to force a completely fabricated case, it’s not really happening.

I don’t think this new one paints Taratino in a good light, whether he helped release the info or not… he sat on that tape for how long, had Weinstein apologize to Uma and he wasn’t even there for it… and she had to accept the apology to continue Kill Bill… anyone else think that even with an interviewer who is not interested in facts but damage control… that some of his answers are not that great… even with all that leading he still fumbles.

I think extreme cases of people who want to “destroy” Me Too are few and far between. Far more common in the world (and around here) are folks who crave detailed facts, reason, and nuanced thinking applied to individual cases.

There are also extreme cases of folks who defend all Me Too stories. The unwillingness to cede even one inch or acknowledge degrees of wrongful behavior in an effort to find common ground.

It’s a familiar cycle of outrage and bickering. This is fertile ground for making money these days and holy crap is that ever bad news for humanity.

You know if Uma can forgive Tarantino who are we to say he shouldn’t be forgiven for whatever transgressions she ascribed to him?

We are getting into a lot of sausage making here. Movies are made by artistic weirdos and acted by narcissistic weirdos. Who in their right mind lets people spit on them and choke them for a living? Who thinks that making faces amd crying on demand in front of an audience is a normal thing to do?

If we are going down that path, I have a lot of questions about the testicle torture scene in Casino Royale and how it was filmed.

Who cares who fake chokes someone for a movie? Who cares how they get them to cry? I don’t want to see that sausage being made because everyone in the factory is a strange beast.

For $20,000,000 you may spit on and strangle me while I make faces and cry. Any day.

I’ll do it for $200, so, you know, if any prospective stranglers are looking to save a buck.