The Fall of Harvey Weinstein

Yeah compare with 10 hours of a dude walking:

The only question is how many arrrrrrs can go into the derp.


About that many. Because I’m on a macbook, and I can’t hold it down because our Liberal Overlords want me to put an accent over the letter or some shit.

Because we are thinking, occasionally rational, beings who can rise above acting on our biological impulses?

But the expressions of this showing of interest is very culturally determined, so you can’t reduce it to “normal male behaviour” without also specifying a culture. Which means that it can be different in different times and places, and thus, it can be changed(*) without removing the ability for the species to reproduce. Which, if we’re being honest, should be the only cause of concern here. If some men will get less sex because it becomes unacceptable to do X, then that’s only a problem for those men.

It does seem to be that people who worry about this going to a point where they will not be able to “hug their own wife” are really just worried about their own strategies for getting access to sex is becoming obsolete.

(*) And as to the question whether the cultural norm should be changed, I personally think: YES! If you read the accounts - not necessarily the specific accusations against specific people - but the general accounts of the reality of women in our societies today, then how can you not realise that we need a change? Even at the lowest level, where women are made to feel unsafe, and have to always keep in mind the reactions of men in order to avoid being assaulted, that’s no way for half the population to live! (Or any part of the population really)

That’s the reality you have to see. It’s just not comparable to say that you don’t mind being hit on by men unless you are also having to worry about how you will reject those advances in order to avoid being assaulted, raped, killed. Every time. All the time.

That is what #metoo taught me as a man, and it was a harsh fucking thing to take in. But it can’t be half as harsh as having to live in that reality.

I’ve avoided commenting in this thread for a while because there was a whole lot of mouth foaming and vitriol…

I’m concerned that #metoo quickly turned into a witch hunt fueled by an amoral media who make a fortune out of stories of sex and impropriety. Careers can be damaged and indeed lives ruined by spurious claims. I don’t buy into all the political correctness rubbish that this was a correction that needed to occur.

I’m definitely not defending anyone who has performed any criminal acts. Yes, some of the incidents are abhorrent. A good question to ask though is how many of these “victims” became willing participants in order to further their careers?

How many “victims” happily played along in order to fuel their ambitions (sleeping with the boss to get a leg up?) but then (years, decades?) later decided #metoo. Perhaps they’ll get a few dollars in civil cases?

Happily? How many women felt pressured and gave into that pressure? My guess is the majority of women who “played along” did so after being pressured and felt afraid for their careers. I doubt many of them looked at the opportunity to sleep with the boss as a happy circumstance, like getting a year end bonus.

If a woman went along with it then it doesn’t mean she was happy about it and it doesn’t mean she wasn’t a victim. There may be a few women who did think it was a great opportunity and were eager to sleep with the boss. Guess what? It’s still wrong because it’s means that the woman gained an unfair advantage over her colleagues and the boss was wrong using the leverage of his position to even initiate the relationship.

Geoffrey Rush is one of the latest hit by allegations.

“Certain recent media reports have made untenable allegations concerning my standing in the entertainment community”

“In the current climate of innuendo and unjustifiable reporting, I believe the decision to make a clean break to clear the air is the best for all concerned.”

If my boss asks me to do something I don’t want to do then I don’t do it, simple. If it causes a larger issue then I find a new job. If it was some kind of inappropriate behavior then I would go to HR and make a complaint or I would report it to someone higher up the food chain. If it was something criminal then I would go to the police. My problem with this whole thing is that there are a dozen different ways someone can resolve this situation without resorting to mud slinging in the press. The media just love a good villain and now suddenly they have dozens.

I don’t believe the argument, “they were afraid for their careers” has any merit. You simply find a new job if it comes to that. What is more important in this instance?

Media is media, they focus on things that sells. But you can’t judge a thing based on what the media does of it. Have you read the accounts, outside of the ones the media report on? The majority of them don’t name a perpetrator, so are clearly not part of any agenda to ruin lives and careers.

No, that’s not a good question, that’s just more victim blaming.

Is your boss physically larger and stronger than you. Can your boss corner you in his office, keep you there against your will? Have you ever worried that might happen?

Do you worry that if you do, they won’t believe you, or blame you for causing it to happen? Have you ever worried that they might start a rumour that you like to have these things happen to you?

Or maybe your boss has enough pull to blackball you from any job in your field?

I think if you’re putting the word “victims” in quotation marks, you’re not even trying.

There has been no proof that #metoo has turned into a witch hunt, and calling the media amoral makes no sense. So far they have not really presented an untrue story. Hell there have been cases shown where they did not run with a story because it didn’t check.

If some guy is out there not locking people out of his office so he can screw a new intern, isn’t inviting colleagues up to his hotel room to answer the door naked, and isn’t whipping his dick out and asking a woman he barely knows if it’s okay… he’s probably fine. There is no rationale behind this oh my god we can’t be men anymore fear I keep seeing. Act like a human being and treat others like human beings, and you’ll be fine.

Then simply find a new job!

I think you meant:

Then simply find a new field!

What kind of fantasy world is this? If you’re a woman and some guy propositions you, don’t be an actress… If you are woman and want to be a comedian and don’t want a dick in your face, don’t be a comedian. Several of these guys held a key to the industries they worked in, which is a problem in itself and not something that would be fixed if women just avoided the industry.

That’s punishing women for no good reason at all. They’re not the ones in the wrong here so stop trying too expand their punishment.

I think Gordon facetiously was quoting draxen’s argument.

That could be, draxen tried to turn the victims into ambitious whores earlier. He also seems to think HR works for employees and not the managers who are assaulting their employees.

Maybe you missed it, but a lot of the women in these reported incidents went to HR and higher up the chain with their complaints. In Weinstein’s case, women did go to the police. Nothing happened.

Must be nice to to be able to shift careers or get a new job at the drop of a hat. Especially in politics or showbiz where there’s very little competition and good old boy networking wouldn’t screw you out of future prospects.

That is.

My apologies.