The Flash (CW)

I wish I hadn’t seen the promo for the next episode.

Careful watching that folks, spoils a lot of upcoming stuff.

Possible, yeah. There’s confusion about this on fansites as well. says this, for example:

Flashback. The Reverse Flash carries young Barry from the house, with The Flash in pursuit. They leave young Barry behind as they speed off. The speedsters separate and The Reverse Flash suddenly loses his speed, falling hard…

I literally just watched it on my phone. Yellow lightning (Barry) carries young Barry out of the house. Red lightning runs out of the house in the other direction, which is the Reverse Flash who we see losing power and falling.

Like I said, I got confused too because I first associated yellow lightning with yellow suit (and vice versa), but once you remember which color lightning is which, there’s no ambiguity in the scene.

edit: And that author acknowledges the mistake in the comments:

I believe you and will watch it again myself. Something else just occurred to me, however. Now that we know the RF killed/subsumed/whatever the real Wells and took his place, there is a way for the character to remain part of the main cast after Flash and RF have their big throw down. Barry just has to win, thereby preventing Wells’ murder. I was not looking forward to losing Dr. Wells, but now we don’t have to. Time travel fixes all.

I started thinking about that too. I don’t think Flash ever permanently saves his mother in the comics, right? Isn’t that the premise for one of those DC Animated movies, that by saving her he actually creates a far worse future and he has to go back and let her die or something tragic like that?

So I’m assuming that tragedy will remain intact on the show. I’m guessing he also doesn’t save the real Wells (or Tess) either, but I suppose it’s possible.

I think from where they are now they can still have their cake and eat it too though; Barry clearly runs into the Reverse Flash in his original form, because that’s who he’s chasing when he ends up 15 years in the past. So “Original Reverse Flash” will almost definitely be back in some form. We don’t know if Barry knew who was under the yellow mask at that point, but if he does (or finds out at some point) that actually gives them an out. At least for a while, they can continue to keep Cavanagh’s Reverse-Flash-As-Wells around and maybe even throw suspicion completely off him (again). From what we see in this episode, the Flash doesn’t have any knowledge of Original-Rev-Flash killing and assuming the identity of Wells. They’ll still be separate people as far as Barry knows, right?

I thought that was an outstanding episode, top notch all around. Irritable Barry is fun to watch, Mark Hamill was great, he had me buying his angry act completely. The father/son scene, oh that was so awesome. It could have easily been painfully cheesy to watch after all these years, but it was well played!

The only nitpick I have is this: Wells had told, stressed really, Barry that messing with the timeline was grade A bad. So when he and Joe are trying to figure out Wells’ angle, why is Wells helping the Flash, how is “because the Flash has something to do with Wells’ timeline” not the first theory? They are speculating about every possible motivation for Wells except that one.

I don’t know, I think it’ll take some more time until “Because I’ll be doing something in the future that impacts his past” becomes his first theory. It’s still the first season, that’s like, S3 or something thinking. :D

I was annoyed at the big reset last week, but this week’s episode redeemed things. Really enjoyed the fight sequence between Flash and Reverse Flash.

Geez, you’re not kidding, that’s really weird and confusing stuff. I’m enough of a DC comics fanboy that I’ll watch damn near anything with the characters in it, but even I have to say that looks like a recipe for disastrously poor writing and cheesy special effects. Still, I wouldn’t have guessed they could do anything nearly as good as Arrow with Oliver Queen, either, so hopefully I’m wrong.

Oh, I hope it’s the Kendra Saunders version! Always been my favorite. Not that I’d complain about any Hawkgirl, mind you.

Agreed! Thought Hamill did an outstanding job, and they didn’t kill him off or anything so hopefully we get more in the future. Voicing the Joker for years really gives a guy a good grounding in playing insane humor-based villains!

The flashback bits were very well done, both in terms of the effects (great work on the speedster battle) and in telling the Eobard->Wells backstory. That sort of show-the-past-to-explain-the-present process has been one of my favorite bits about Arrow (and the poor implementation of it in season 3 is a major reason why I think it’s the weakest season so far). I suspect there’s plenty of additional opportunity coming up to do more of the same. For instance, maybe they could finally GIVE US FREAKIN’ GRODD with flashbacks to show where he came from!

I liked what Eddie said near the end when Joe gave him the old “keeping Iris in the dark is for her protection line”. Clearly he doesn’t buy it, and hopefully the writers can use that to end the whole “everyone knows but Iris” charade. I’m not holding my breath or anything, but a guy can hope.

We just watched ep14 the firestorm one, just superb and loved the ending with the general and other villians, so very cool.

It amazes me how much of a feelgood this shows gives you, sitting here grinning from ear to ear, they so seem to have captured the feel of it.

Really loving the show.

My son is 5 next week and we have bought him a Flash costume, he loves the flash so badly.

The UnSecret Identity. The villains know who he is, the Secret Villain knows who he is, he hangs out at Star Labs all the time, even his UnSecret Girlfriend knows his UnSecret identity in an alternate future. With all the surveillance cameras in operation today, he’s cavalier about removing his hood in the middle of the street so he can emote better. Might as well take up residence in the penthouse of the Baxter Building and appear on the cover of Superhero Quarterly. To be fair, I tend to think this means the death of Junior Partner Cop Boyfriend, which isn’t such a bad thing…

That the real Wells is dead isn’t exactly a shocking reveal, as was Junior Trickster being Hamill’s son. Hamill’s had great fun chewing the scenery, sets, lighting equipment…Iris if he had been given the chance (I’m with you on that last one, Mark!). Hopefully we will see him again. Run, run, run!

Highly unlikely given his rather unusual last name and the person he shares that last name with.

Talk about messing with the timeline. Then again, maybe that’s a road Barry will want to take…

The most compelling reason I can see Eddie not revealing The Flash’s identity to Iris is because he already has issues with Barry and Iris’s relationship and he knows Iris worships The Flash. He’s not about to further empower his only rival for her affections. In fact the threat Barry poses to him and his relationship with Iris most likely sets the stage for a hatred that spans generations. Im thinking that Eddie will soon be headed down a much darker path.

Shhhhhhhhh! I don’t see it saving him in the long run, unless we are talking about direct des…shhhhhhh!

I really hope that we get nice Wells back after the Reverse Flash hoohah is over and done with - maybe when Gorilla Grodd’s the big bad next season or something? Wells’ character is so likeable and well-acted, even without any secret side to him, he’d still be a great part of the show just as a straightforward part of Team Flash.

I have caught up with all the episodes and now am struggling to wait.

Anyways it’s my sons 5th birthday today and he loves superheroes and esepcially The Flash.

The Flash

Captain America

Where’s this forum’s “like” button?

I wonder how Cisco is seeing events that took place in an alternate timeline. Aside from that interesting twist, the episode was largely filler. Palmer didn’t even shrink. I don’t watch Arrow–does he not have that ability yet? It’s the cornerstone of the comic version of the character.

He’s in the early stages of using that suit, I think that’s why. I thought the episode was excellent, but then adding Felicity does that. It was noticeable how little screen time Emily Kinney got, Flash baddies usually have more to do. Is that a reflection of the character or the actress? I wonder. Cisco was killed in the other timeline, maybe that’s why it’s bleeding through to the current one. Maybe death is a kind of wormhole between timelines.