~The Game Pass Thread~

Really enjoying The Messenger as a retro platformer. Wouldn’t have tried it without the game pass.

Man, the PC Pass app really needs to actually update what is available for the Pass. I just stumbled across WH40K Battlefleet by accident searching for something else. So I tried to find it listed in the Pass store but it wasn’t. Still, I’m DLing now so it’s there. It’s just not there there.

Its under all games:

With headphones, optimally. Love the sound design in this.

Aaah, thought I’d checked for it under that, but I bet I just checked Strategy. Or didn’t wait for the full list to load. I see it now. Gracias.

Dumb question: Does the new Xbox App install all games in Win32 format or still use UWP?
And if Win32, does it allow finally to let us choose where to install these games?

I presume it uses Win32 for Win32 games and UWP for UWP games

Yes, you can choose your install location with the Game Pass app.

It seems like you just choose a drive once for all installs, is that right? I would like to install some games on C: and some on D:, but it seemed like an either/or when I briefly played around with it.

Looks like (assuming the translation is correct) GOG Galaxy 2.0 will support Microsoft and game pass games as well.


Yes it’s just the drive. The games are so encrypted they don’t appear to show up in a folder. I could not find them with my directory tree size utility last night.

That’s just an endemic PC issue. I have a HOTAS joystick/throttle/pedals system I usually leave plugged in because I mostly play sims or VR games. When I go to play a controller game, I physically unplug the HOTAS setup because PC games are inconsistent about letting you choose from multiple game controllers. You can choose a “preferred device” in Control Panel, which helps with many, but not all, titles.

I actually got one of these because I don’t like leaving my controllers all “plugged in” all the time, especially since my HOTAS is three USB devices. It’s wonderful, this thing:

I use a similar 7 port setup. :)

Wait so even xbox app still uses this dumb encrypted windows store-like system with no transparency, no modability, no possibility to even choose where to install? That’s quite disappointing actually.


Pretty sure they’ve stated mods are supported (or are going to be), so it’s not like UWP and the Windows Store were.

This client does not like pause and resume on multiple downloads. I can’t get it out of this state. [EDIT] Rebooting my PC fixed it, heh.

It also lets me try to install The Outer Worlds for some reason.

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada: uninstall
Tyranny: uninstall
CrossCode: uninstall
Wasteland 2: uninstall
Opus Magnum: eh, I’m not sure

But then I didn’t want people to think this was our attempt to go and push all the other stores out of the way. In fact, if you want to buy games from us, we want to give you a choice where you buy those games. So the announcement of Halo MCC coming to both Steam and our store was us saying you should be able to buy the games where you want to buy them. We want to make sure the communities are all connected, so we obviously had to work with Valve ensuring that regardless of where you bought the game you’d be one community of PC players together. But Xbox Game Pass for PC was really something that we thought that we could bring that was unique to that ecosystem.

The stuff mentioned on page 2 about MS Flight Sim was good. Also:

This whole thing—‘can we really put Flight Sim in an E3 press briefing, because Flight Sim’s kind of its own thing, some people don’t even call it a game’. But it was visually stunning in my mind.

Does this version integrate with the Steam friends list for the leaderboard support? I find Zachtronics games without a leaderboard to be kind of sterile experiences.