~The Game Pass Thread~

apparently the intro price for gamepass pc was 9.99 last year and during black friday they were on sale for $15 for 3 months. $5 is now the ‘new’ (no doubt temporary) promo per month price i believe.

Gamepass for PC was only announced this year at E3. 4.99/mo it the current “beta” price for the service.

ah, then i’m thinking of the xbox pass from last year whose pc games were only the playanywhere ones, right?

CDKeys do better than US prices.

CDKeys is a shady outfit that causes much more harm than good. The less that is said about them, the better.

Exodus wasn’t downloading automatically for some reason - it was sitting in the MS Store app queue. It would be nice if they displayed that queue in the PC Beta app. I just kinda stumbled across it - I wouldn’t have guessed the download queue would be there.

They’re a perfectly legitimate reseller, unless something has changed. Are you thinking of G2A?

And I? Oh. Sorry.

Did you get it working? I was going to ask if you can uninstall whatever is there. I had a problem with a stuck download on F1 2018 and uninstalling and starting over did the trick.

Once I found the download queue in the store I was able to tell it to start. I don’t know why it didn’t start automatically.

I had tried uninstalling and it didn’t do anything, probably because ti never started :-)

I could download and re download Exodus all day. Game itself just wouldn’t run on a clean install of Windows 10 build 1903.

Isn’t build 1909 the latest version of Windows 10? It might be one of those optional feature updates.

Game has been out some June. Tried on both clean 1903 and 1909.

I think I already used the month for a dollar offer…

I guess there is no way to just pay 60 bucks (5x12) and get Gamepass PC for a year huh.

Yeah I looked if Costco had cheaper multi month cards like they did in the past for yearly Gold Live but nope.

How attached are you to your Xbox account?

I had been signed up to the PC game pass for a while, decided I liked it, but I knew the price was set to double at some point. So last week I just made a new account, put 3 years of Live on it, and converted it to Ultimate Gamepass. It works out cheaper than the current PC gamepass price per month, but obviously paid upfront for 3 years.

But you will lose achievements, save games (I think, I’ve not actually checked), easy access to any previously bought games and so on.

The only issue is that it’s making me want to buy an Xbox One now to get access to the console-only games…


Reminder tomorrow is the last day to get the Taco Bell 44 day deal.


Hmm that is actually somewhat tempting solution, thanks.

Microsoft sucks in that all the downloads are slower than half my 150 MBps download speed. They average 50 Mbps. Also, as with all Windows 10 store/update downloads you can’t choose to prioritize 1 download but it always has to do 4 simultaneous ones.